
同贺甲子盛事,共谱璀璨新章 ——安盛恭祝中法建交60周年 AXA Celebrates the 60th Anniversary of China-France Establishment of Diplomatic Relationship

同贺甲子盛事,共谱璀璨新章 ——安盛恭祝中法建交60周年

AXA Celebrates the 60th Anniversary of China-France Establishment of Diplomatic Relationship








“守护生命之本,践行人类进步”是安盛的品牌使命。我们视保障为业务核心:关注个体幸福,助力企业发展,更推动社会进步。安盛的存在并不止步于创造营收,更追求造福社会。围绕气候变化及普惠金融两大主题,安盛集团发布七项可持续发展承诺,建构自身可持续发展战略——作为负责任的投资者,设定绿色投资目标,帮助客户和社会向低碳经济转型;作为负责任的保险公司,为弱势群体提供普惠金融保险产品与服务;作为行业典范,承担大企业责任,将 ESG核心理念与标准全面融入管理体系中,实现价值链净零排放。










11月6日,安盛天平应邀参加第六届中国国际进口博览会,并举办了再保险“国际板”首单国际分入合约签署仪式。国家金融监督管理总局上海监管局党委书记、局长王俊寿,法国驻上海总领事王度(Joan Valadou)等多位重量级嘉宾共同见证了安盛扎根中国的全新一步。首单签约具有双重意义——交易双方均在再保险“国际板”登记注册,并通过再保险交易中心国际再保险业务平台完成交易;而首单业务也是对国家倡导的“港车北上”政策的积极响应,体现了安盛为粤港澳大湾区一体化融合发展贡献保险力量。



In 2024, China and France will celebrate the 60th anniversary of their diplomatic relations establishment; and AXA will mark its 25th year in China. Over the past 25 years, AXA has had the honor to witness and participate in the spectacular growth of China. Living standards are improving, the real economy is growing, and digital and other infrastructures are expanding. Emerging industries are making their mark around the globe. AXA Tianping makes a solemn promise to fight climate change in sustainable development. With our professional, efficient, and reliable services and products, we offer insurance protection to individuals and corporations.

Milestones for AXA in China

Founded in 1817, AXA is one of the world’s leading insurance and asset management groups, with its headquarters stationed in Paris, France. It is one of the most valuable insurance companies, taking the title of the world’s best insurance brand for 10 consecutive years between 2009 and 2018. In the Best Global Brands ranking posted by Interbrand, the internationally renowned brand consultancy, AXA took 44th place in 2023.

In 1999, AXA entered the Chinese market and was privileged to witness and participate in the country’s breathtaking financial reforms. It is safe to say that every AXA milestone was achieved through the beneficial business environment and the firm support from every level of the government.

In December 2020, AXA completed the acquisition of the remaining 50% stake in AXA Tianping, making the company “the first foreign-owned P&C insurer in China”. By taking full control of AXA Tianping’s management, AXA is expanding its services from car insurance to diversified offerings, including insurance for health, corporate, accident, and more. AXA Tianping endeavors to fulfill people’s wishes for happiness and more comprehensively serve small, medium, and micro-enterprises as well as the real economy in general. Through a nationwide footprint of 25 branches covering 20 provinces, we serve over 3 million individual and commercial clients in China.

In 2022, AXA entered a new phase of outstanding development and profitable growth, characterized by “diverse products, quality control, and continuous expansion”, providing a range of synergized products and services across health, motor, accident, and commercial lines. Innovation is written in AXA’s DNA; the Group’s world-leading technological prowess and industry experience are the backbone of the development of AXA Tianping. We are the first insurer in China to deploy Akur8’s high-performing AI technologies to enhance the pricing process, meeting complex and fluctuating customer needs in dynamic risk environments while maintaining full transparency and strong control.

ESG Sustainable Development

“Act for human progress by protecting what matters” is AXA’s brand mission. We see guarantee as the heart of our operation, as we focus on individual happiness, support corporate development, and promote social progress. AXA goes beyond generating profits; we seek to enhance the quality of life for all. To assess the impact of its sustainability strategy – built around climate and inclusive protection – AXA takes on seven measurable commitments. As a responsible investor, we set a target for green investment and facilitate the green transition to a low-carbon economy for our clients and society. As a responsible insurer, we offer inclusive financial insurance products and services for vulnerable populations. As an exemplary company, we take on the social responsibilities as a large corporation, integrating the ESG core values and standards in the management system to achieve net-zero emissions in the value chain.

AXA Tianping proactively responds to regulatory changes in China while strictly complying with both the Group’s ESG initiatives and industry standards. At the center of our operation are the demands of the government, social institutions, shareholders, clients, employees, partners, suppliers, and other interested parties. We seek sustainable development defined by secure moral standards in the “double carbon” era, minimizing the negative impact of company operations on the environment and society.

AXA Tianping made 2022 a year for ESG dedications: in April, we established an ESG Committee led by the CEO, putting down an action framework for sustainable development based on realistic self-assessment, sustainability corporate strategy of the Group, and green finance policies. Our actions revolve around four core areas: low-carbon green initiatives, inclusive finance and social responsibility, talent empowerment, innovative digitalization, and compliance.

For low-carbon green initiatives, AXA Tianping leverages the global experience and technical expertise of the Group to promote innovative iterations of new energy vehicle insurance, boosting its share of the total motor insurance to 10% in 2023, a figure that far surpasses industry peers. Additionally, our advanced catastrophe loss modeling and extensive underwriting experience allow us to implement multiple weather index-based insurance across the provinces of Xinjiang, Guangdong, Jiangsu, Shanghai, Zhejiang, Fujian, Jiangxi, and Shaanxi. AXA Tianping is also involved in the promotion of intelligent agriculture with the weather index, which is not only beneficial to the alleviation of extreme weather’s impact on public welfare, but helps to enrich the multi-layered risk-sharing mechanism with fiscal support too. We boost the level of risk resistance and safe production guarantee for local regions by maximizing the financial leverage effect of insurance.

On the inclusive finance and social responsibility front, AXA Tianping proactively responds to national policies to reduce gaps in social security, offering protection for vulnerable and low-income populations. We also actively participate in supplementary insurance projects like Huiminbao in various cities and towns, such as Jinan, Xuzhou, Wenshan, Yulin, and Qinzhou, in close collaboration with local governments. In January 2023, with the support of the Group, our joint study with the Chinese Academy of Financial Inclusion (CAFI) of Renmin University of China, Constructing a Healthy Finance for Families Amidst Uncertainties: a Study of the Family Finance Diary of Low to Middle-Income Families in China, was published. Highlighting the genuine financial needs and challenges faced by these families in accessing financial services, this research looked into 197 low to middle-income families in Hunan, Shaanxi, and Shanghai. It provides a solid foundation for us to develop our inclusive insurance measures further. In terms of social responsibility, AXA Tianping has worked with the Ai You Foundation for three consecutive years and has organized more than 30 volunteer events, both online and offline. We brought comfort, joy, and companionship to hundreds of critically ill and disadvantaged children, and donated a total of 600,000 RMB.

For talent empowerment, the three pillar values of AXA Tianping, “prevention, care, and support”, remain front and center in our endeavors to offer long-term support for our employees’ mental and physical well-being. We are committed to creating a workplace of inclusiveness and fairness to accommodate all minority groups with love, which is the best environment to promote gender equality and equal pay.

As for innovative digitalization and compliance, AXA Tianping builds its operation on the solid ground of standardized corporate governance, long-term professional assurance, and systematic risk control. We continue to structurally improve our capabilities in risk management and solvency for a corporate culture defined by compliance and stability.

From Lujiazui to Dishui Lake

AXA’s promise to the Chinese market and the corporate responsibility it adheres to is to leverage AXA’s professional strength in insurance protection and risk management to promote the real economy while protecting financial and social stability. The progress of the financial industry relies on embracing an open market. Answering national strategies and government callings at the first instance, AXA Tianping seized the historic opportunity of the Shanghai Reinsurance Center establishment and immediately committed to building an international platform for Shanghai.

In June 2023, the National Financial Regulatory Administration and the Shanghai Municipal Government jointly released Guidelines for Accelerating the Construction of the Shanghai International Reinsurance Center. AXA Tianping quickly moved into motion, leveraging internal resources in preparation for the center’s construction. Backed by firm support from the Group’s executives, AXA Tianping Shanghai Reinsurance Operation Center was approved by the National Financial Regulatory Administration on August 14. We became one of the pioneering insurance companies in the Lin-gang Special Area International Reinsurance Trading Center. The speed of China and the speed of France were perfectly in sync. During the opening ceremony of the Shanghai International Reinsurance Conference on October 26, AXA Tianping Shanghai Reinsurance Center signed a collaboration framework agreement with the Lin-gang Special Area Management Committee and Shanghai Insurance Exchange. Hence, AXA Tianping became a founding member of the Shanghai international reinsurance platform.

On November 6, AXA Tianping was invited to the 6th China International Import Expo (CIIE), and hosted the ceremony for the first contract signing on the Shanghai international reinsurance platform. Many esteemed guests, including Wang Junshou, the Party Secretary and Director of the National Financial Regulatory Administration Shanghai Branch, and Joan Valadou, Consulate General of France in Shanghai, were in attendance to witness AXA taking a firm step in its commitment to China. The signing of the first contract is highly significant in two ways: firstly, it represents the two parties to the contract have registered and completed a transaction on the international reinsurance platform of the Reinsurance Trading Center. Secondly, it is an active answer to the call of the “Northbound Travel for Hong Kong Vehicles” national policy, meaning AXA has contributed its professional strength in insurance to the integrated development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.

As the world is on the cusp of great changes that have not been seen in a century, a harmonious, secure relationship between China and France, the two great civilizations from East and West, is more important than ever. As a French insurance company operating in China, AXA Tianping is determined in our role as the ambassador for cultural exchanges between the two great nations. With eyes firmly set on serving the real economy and the realization of a Chinese-model modernization, we are a pioneer in embracing a high degree of openness in the financial sector. AXA Tianping will continue to contribute to the improvement of Shanghai’s competitiveness and influence as a financial center for the world and the high-quality development of China’s financial industry. We believe the China-France relationship will see new heights in the future.

The chapter of yesterday ends, a new chapter of tomorrow begins. We shall venture into the future together, seizing opportunities of the era to create a future of marvelous successes and win-win collaborations!

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