
CEO Newsletter ISSUE42–PC



2023即将过去,安盛以客户为中心的理念始终不渝。在12月中旬发布的Interbrand“全球最具价值品牌榜”中,安盛集团以164.01亿美元的品牌价值位列第44名,品牌价值较2022年总体增长4%,多维展现了安盛的品牌领导力与价值。而带给客户信赖感的除了享誉全球的品牌之外,还有无微不至的客户服务。经过近半年的充分筹备,“We Care安盛好服务”于12月24日正式发布。秉承“客户优先”的核心价值观,我们以全球200余年历史的稳健发展和经验,为客户提供涵盖车险、健康险、旅行和意外险、商业企业险等多元领域的全面服务保障。在安盛好服务的logo中,我们设计了一双温暖的大手,托举起客户的信任与可持续发展,这是我们对自己核心价值观的坚守,也是给客户的衷心祝福。

驻足2023年的最后时刻,我们欣喜地注意到喜讯正在纷至沓来。在12月最新出炉的行业权威奖项Pan Finance评选中,安盛天平凭借卓越的综合实力、优秀的产品力与服务水准,一举斩获“Pan Finance 2023年度保险公司大奖”。与此同时,公司在信息科技和人力资源领域斩获四项大奖,充分彰显了公司在数字化创新和负责任经营方面取得的成绩。


Dear AXA Tianping colleagues:

The severe winter has brought record-low temperatures to the country. Please take good care of yourself and your family, and I hope you could also extend warm care to our channel partners and customers, sending them the best holiday blessings with professional, convenient, and heartwarming services – enjoy a peaceful and harmonious holiday.

2023 is running to its end, and AXA’s customer-centric philosophy remains unchanged. Interbrand released “Best Global Brands 2023” in mid-December, AXA Group ranked 44th with a brand value of USD 16.401 billion, an increase of 4% compared to 2022, showcasing AXA’s strong brand leadership and value in multiple dimensions. In addition to the globally renowned brand, what gives customers trust is the meticulous service. After nearly half a year of full preparation, “We Care AXA Good Service” was officially launched on December 24th. Adhering to the core value of being “customer-centric”, we provide customers with comprehensive service guarantees in various fields covering auto, health, travel, accident, and commercial enterprise insurance, based on our steady development and experience of more than 200 years worldwide. In the logo of AXA Good Service, we draw a pair of warm hands upholding customers’ trust and sustainable development. This is our commitment to our core values, and also a heartfelt blessing to our customers.

At the very last moment of 2023, we are overwhelmed with multiple good news. In the authoritative industry award released by Pan Finance in December, AXA Tianping won the “Pan Finance 2023 Insurance Firm of the Year” based on its outstanding comprehensive strength, excellent products and services. At the same time, the company won four awards in the fields of information technology and human resources, fully demonstrating the company’s achievements in digital innovation and responsible operation.

As we bid farewell to the old and welcome the new, looking forward to the future, I wish all colleagues a sincere happy New Year and happiness for your whole family, and let us continue to “shift gears to accelerate” in 2024, to write a magnificent chapter in collective efforts.

安盛天平首席执行官 左伟豪

CEO of AXA Tianping Kevin Chor

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