
数字科技驱动业务创新 多元平等打造最佳职场 安盛天平斩获多项大奖 Digital technology to drive business innovation, diversity and equality to create the best workplace; AXA Tianping won multiple awards

数字科技驱动业务创新 多元平等打造最佳职场 安盛天平斩获多项大奖

Digital technology to drive business innovation, diversity and equality to create the best workplace; AXA Tianping won multiple awards

安盛天平斩获“Pan Finance – 2023年度保险公司大奖”

在刚刚出炉的行业权威奖项——Pan Finance评选中,凭借卓越的综合实力,以及优秀的产品力与服务水准,安盛天平一举斩获“Pan Finance – 2023年度保险公司大奖”。作为行业权威机构,Pan Finance自创立以来,在金融、经济及可持续发展等领域拥有丰富经验和良好口碑,并严格遵循公正、客观和专业的评奖标准与原则,入围名单由具有深厚行业背景与专业素养的专家团队讨论遴选得出,再经由调研团队评议研判产生年度获奖名单,为评选结果的权威性及公信力提供了坚实的保障。


数字驱动 创新求盛 安盛天平荣获“保险数字化营销创新价值奖”

2023年12月7-8日,在上海举行的第四届保险数字化发展大会上,安盛天平财产保险有限公司荣获“保险数字化营销创新价值奖”。该奖项是继 “2023 CDI数字化营销创新奖”之后安盛天平收获的又一个重量级肯定。接踵而至的荣誉彰显了安盛天平在数字化营销方面的引领地位和突出表现,也是业界对公司在数字化营销领域杰出表现和卓越成就的高度认可。

安盛天平数字化营销总监黄蓓莹女士应邀出席活动,并在大会上发表了题为《数字驱动 创新求盛:安盛天平数字化营销的探索与实践》的精彩演讲。她从运营创新、营销创新和服务创新三个关键维度出发,深入阐述了安盛天平数字化营销的创新方向和品牌实力,并通过生动而详实的案例分享,展示了安盛天平数字化平台在不同场景中的实际应用。她强调了公司在探索、实践和利用数字技术方面的卓越成就——以提升核心竞争力、优化客户体验为目标,开启了一场引人入胜的数字化之旅。












AXA Tianping won the “Pan Finance – Insurance Firm of the Year”

In the recently announced authoritative industry awards – Pan Finance selection, AXA Tianping won the “Pan Finance – Insurance Firm of the Year 2023” with its outstanding comprehensive strength, excellent products and services. As an authoritative institution in the industry, Pan Finance is well experienced with a great reputation in the fields of finance, economics and sustainable development since its establishment. It strictly follows fair, objective and professional award standards and principles. The shortlist is selected by a team of experts with industry insights and professional qualities, and the final decision is with the research team after full discussion, ensuring the authority and credibility of the selection.

This honor recognizes AXA Tianping’s achievements in high-quality development and strategic transformation. We will continue to adhere to the brand mission of ” Act for human progress by protecting what matters”, adapt the customer-centric service approach, and provide high-quality and diverse insurance products and services to customers worldwide.

Digital driven, innovation provoking, AXA Tianping was honored with the “Insurance Digital Marketing Innovation Value Award”

On December 7-8, 2023, AXA Tianping was honored with the “Insurance Digital Marketing Innovation Value Award” at the 4th Insurance Digital Development Conference held in Shanghai. This award is another heavyweight affirmation for AXA Tianping following the “2023 CDI Digital Marketing Innovation Award”. The successive honors highlight AXA Tianping’s leading position and outstanding performance in digital marketing, and serve as a high recognition of the company’s outstanding performance and excellent achievements in the field of digital marketing by the industry.

Ms. Huang Beiyin, Director of Digital Marketing at AXA Tianping, was invited to attend the event and delivered a wonderful speech titled “Digital Driven, Innovation Provoking: The Exploration and Practice of AXA Tianping’s Digital Marketing”, who deeply explained the innovative direction and brand strength of AXA Tianping’s digital marketing from the perspective of operational innovation, marketing innovation, and service innovation, and demonstrated the practical application of AXA Tianping’s digital platform in different scenarios through vivid case sharing in details. She embarked on a fascinating digital journey by emphasizing the company’s outstanding achievements in exploring, practicing, and utilizing digital technologies, aiming to enhance core competitiveness and optimize customer experience.

The speech not only deeply analyzed the innovative concept of AXA Tianping’s digital marketing, but also presented the company’s cutting-edge position in the digital field and accurate insights into future digital trends, further strengthening AXA Tianping’s determination in digital innovation empowerment and service escalation, committed to creating a continuously innovative insurance brand.

Since its debut in 2017, the Insurance Digital Development Conference has grown into one of the largest digital transformation and innovation summits in the insurance industry in the country, leading the insurance industry to continuously advance in the digital tailwind.

AXA Tianping was honored with “2023 The Best Workplace to Work” and “2023 DEI Employer Award (China)”

At the “2023 Pudong International Talent Port Forum” held on December 6th, AXA Tianping was once again honored with the “2023 The Best Workplace to Work”, organized and guided by the Organization Department of the Pudong New Area Committee of the Communist Party of China, the Pudong New Area Human Resources and Social Security Bureau of Shanghai, alongside others.

“2023 The Best Workplace to work” is dedicated to advocating companies that build up workplace and employer branding of diversity, equity, and inclusion, and also to improving efficiency and workplace harmony. The award recognizes AXA Tianping’s outstanding performance in establishing best workplace to work and promoting its employer brandin.

Additionally, on Dec 18th, AXA Tianping won the “2023 DEI Employer Award (China)” from DEI Award ceremony hosted by the Employer Branding Institute, a globally renowned institution for employer branding research.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) is the crucial part of companies’ ESG strategy. Investment in DEI can help companies solve problems of cost, marketing, flexibility, and employer branding, among others. The award recognizes AXA Tianping’s excellent practices in diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) and outstanding corporate human resources management.

AXA Tianping is devoted to establishing a culture of diversity, equity and inclusion. We care about our colleagues and support in their career development regardless of their gender, age or origins. AXA Tianping is committed to promoting organizational transparency and equity by providing internal and external learning opportunities for employees, setting effective performance management mechanism and recognizing employees or teams with outstanding performance. At the same time, we continually invest in physical and mental health and organize “Healthy You” activities regularly.

AXA Tianping was honored with the “Insurance APP Innovation Award”

On December 20th, 2023, the 14th InsurDigital Insurance Summit and Digital Insurance Innovation Award Ceremony was held in Shanghai. Li Heyong, General Manager of the Information Technology Department of AXA Tianping, attended and delivered a speech titled “Digital Transformation Facilitates Insurance Development”, sharing the company’s digital transformation framework, cloud-native architecture, and digitalization of business management, during which the company’s digital exhibition platform – AXA Bao APP won the “Insurance APP Innovation Award”. The platform’s comprehensive coverage of industry scenarios, self-service management, rapid access capabilities, and open functions and architecture have distinguished itself and won high praise from the jury.

The summit revolved around “Digital Transformation and InsurTech Development”, “Co-building InsurTech Ecosystem”, and “High-quality Development of Digital Insurance”, attracting over a hundred financial institutions to attend. Being able to win a technology innovation award at such a summit is a positive affirmation of AXA Tianping’s digital transformation practice.

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