
携手向未来,安盛可持续发展论坛 Joining hands towards the future: AXA Sustainable Development Forum


Joining hands towards the future: AXA Sustainable Development Forum


图片说明:数据赋能发展共建永续生态 安盛天平金融可持续发展人才研究报告启动仪式。右二:安盛天平财产保险有限公司首席执行官左伟豪,右三:上海市就业促进中心原党委副书记兼纪委书记朱国祥,左三:复旦科技园发展研究院执行院长郭代军,左二:复旦大学计算机学院科研办主任陈荣华,左一:安盛天平财产保险有限公司首席运营官兼首席数据官余健光,右一:安盛天平财产保险有限公司大数据应用部总经理姚锦玲







During CIIE, AXA Tianping hosted the “Joining Hands towards the Future • AXA Sustainable Development Forum,” in response to the Central Financial Work Commission’s calls in the areas of fintech, green finance, inclusive finance, pension finance, and digital finance.

The forum invited representatives from the Shanghai Employment Promotion Center, Fudan University School of Computer Science, Fudan Science and Technology Park Development Institute, as well as senior industry professionals at Aon-COFCO and Deloitte, to jointly explore the talent demand and trends amid the digital transformation of the financial industry under the new wave of technological innovation and industry transformation, as well as the current landscape of the technology and industry talent market.

Mr. Philip YU, Chief Operating Officer of AXA Tianping, pointed out that the big data era is characterized by blockchain, cloud computing, and artificial intelligence, data and that data has become an important core competitiveness. It is crucial for decision-making, innovation promotion, and problem-solving. AXA Tianping is committed to establishing a comprehensive data governance system to improve data accessibility, availability, and reusability. We actively explore data sharing and collaboration to promote the sustainable development of the financial industry.

The steadfast delivery of ESG principles has always been AXA’s long-term commitment in China and is also set to become a main theme as the country accelerates the construction of a robust financial system and promote high-quality development of the financial sector. We have accumulated extensive experience in data empowerment, compliance governance, and talent development. By breaking down industry barriers through cross-sector cooperation, we aim to transform challenges in data governance and financial talent innovation into invaluable opportunities, injecting strong momentum into the sustainable and healthy development of the entire industry.

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