
安盛荣膺第四届IFF全球绿色金融奖年度大奖 AXA Tianping is awarded IFF Global Green Finance Award


AXA Tianping is awarded IFF Global Green Finance Award

2023年10月29日,国际金融论坛(IFF) 2023年全球年会和第四届“IFF全球绿色金融奖”颁奖典礼隆重举办。经过严谨的评选流程,安盛天平脱颖而出,凭借在可持续发展领域的杰出表现,荣获第四届IFF全球绿色金融奖年度大奖。这不仅是对安盛在可持续发展领域实践的认可,也是对安盛推动绿色金融发展所作贡献的肯定与鼓励。



On October 29, 2023, the International Finance Forum (IFF) 2023 Global Annual Meeting (or the IFF 20th Anniversary Global Annual Meeting) and the 4th “IFF Global Green Finance Awards” ceremony were held. After a rigorous selection process, AXA Tianping stood out and won the fourth annual IFF Global Green Finance Award for outstanding performance in the field of sustainable development. This is not only recognition of AXA’s practices in the field of sustainable development, but also affirmation and encouragement of AXA’s contribution to promoting the development of green finance.

According to the organizing committee, the organization given this award must prove that it has made outstanding contributions to promoting green transformation, managing climate risks, and achieving sustainable goals globally or in a country/region through using financial means. The participating institutions for this year’s Awards are mainly well-known domestic and foreign institutions and industry leaders. There were many cases of global and industry firsts that showed innovation practices across multiple regions. This year, AXA received the award along with well-known companies and institutions including China General Nuclear Power Group, Ant Technology Group, Midea Group, Baidu, and the International Capital Markets Association.

The IFF was jointly initiated and established by leaders of China, the United States, the European Union and other G20 countries, emerging economies, and international organizations such as the United Nations, World Bank, and International Monetary Fund. It is a high-level standing dialogue mechanism and multilateral forum in the global financial field, and is also known as the F20. The “IFF Global Green Finance Award” was established in 2020 by the International Financial Forum and has been highly praised by the United Nations and many international organizations. The review committee is composed of 25 important Chinese and foreign financial leaders with global influence and authority, as well as elites in the financial and environmental circles. It aims to mark outstanding achievements in the field of global green finance, especially in the fields of climate investment and biodiversity finance. Institutions and innovative solutions are commended and rewarded to promote global climate governance and sustainable development.

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