
2023年 ”繁星伴月 师泽如光” 种子讲师培训表彰活动 2023 Seed Lecturer Training Commendation Event

2023繁星伴月 师泽如光种子讲师培训表彰活动

2023 Seed Lecturer Training Commendation Event

提灯引路 育梦成光

灿若星海 奔赴巅峰

桃李不言 下自成蹊

匠心不渝 春晖四方






培训赋能和讲师大比武结束后最后进行荣誉表彰, 分别为2022-2023年度斩获各项大奖的讲师们颁奖。




On September 16, 2023, the “2023 Seed Lecturer Training Commendation Event” was held in Chengdu, the so-called land of abundance.

Dongmei CHEN, General Manager of the Head Sales Management Department, gave an opening speech, affirming the outstanding contributions to the training work of seed lecturers from various institutions. She commended 22 elite lecturers who achieved star promotion standards and 26 who achieved maintained star standards. Finally, she put forward AXA’s ardent expectations to make further progress, expressing hope for everyone to continue improving their professional abilities while passing on knowledge and further unleashing the warmth of teaching.

This year’s training specially invited external lecturer Gu Yu, professor at Beijing University School of Economics, to give a special training on “Case Extraction” and “Case-Based Teaching” to further inspire seeds in their course design and teaching practicalities.

After interactive special trainings on “teaching” and “learning”, the seed lecturers worked in groups to extract best practice cases and create course materials, and each group selected one representative to take the stage and show off their courses.

After the training and presentations, honorary commendations were held at the end, and awards were given to the seed lecturers who won various awards in 2022-2023.

Xiaoyu ZHANG, regional general manager of Zone B, delivered a closing speech for the seed lecturer training commendation event. She pointed out that seed lecturers of various institutions are based on the front line of training and have rich practical experience. They should continue to consolidate their professional skills as it is necessary to continue to tell the “AXA story” well and pass on the company’s products and services to more institutional partners. At the same time, through the heart-to-heart teachings of seed lecturers, they continue to enhance channel awareness and recognition of AXA.

As the Chinese saying goes, “The song never stops, the torch is passed down from generation to generation”, we turn recognition into strength and honor into motivation. In the days to come, we look forward to our seed instructors becoming a bridges that connect internal and external trainings, continue to develop and share high-quality courses, and make steady and lasting progress.

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