
博鳌乐城之旅 A Trip to Boao Hope City


A Trip to Boao Hope City


海南医学院第一附属医院乐城医院,是中国首家公私合营特许经营的示范医院,致力于打造为汇聚知名医疗专家、前沿医学研究、新特药械的三级综合医院。博鳌超级医院创新采取“1+x”共享模式,成功吸引众多院士等国内顶尖医疗专家及其团队进驻。 立足超级医疗平台,目前已完成世界先进药械国内首例应用近130项,接诊患者达数万人次。




安盛天平首席市场营销及公共事务官黄长青女士向与会嘉宾介绍了安盛品牌的愿景承诺、产品服务和ESG举措等内容,并隆重介绍了安盛天平服务品牌“AXA·Care 安盛天平好服务专业·便捷·暖心”,她表示,“一直以来,安盛天平致力于运用安盛集团的全球视野与资源服务中国市场。我们洞察客户需求、倾听客户心声,精心选择优质医疗资源、根据客户需求设计产品,着力打造品质服务,以期不断提升客户体验,做好客户健康旅程的陪伴者。












On October 20, the “Facing the Super- AXA New & Advanced Medical Resources Sharing” was held at the Boao Super Hospital.

Boao Hope City Hospital, the first affiliate hospital of Hainan Medical University, is China’s first public-private franchise model hospital and is committed to building a tertiary general hospital that brings together well-known medical experts, cutting-edge medical research, and new special drugs and equipment. Boao Hope City Hospital innovatively adopts the “1+x” sharing model and has successfully attracted many top domestic medical experts and their teams, including academicians. Based on the super medical platform, it has completed nearly 130 domestic first-in-class applications of the world’s advanced medical equipment and treated tens of thousands of patients.

At the sharing conference, the Hainan Boao Hope City Administration, Boao Super Hospital and Yuanxin Huibao demonstrated their great support. Based on the theme of “New Advantages in Medical Care of the Shared Future”, economic and trade channel partners from all over the country gathered together to focus to discuss in detail the development trend of new and high-quality medical resources represented by Boao Hope City and its application and prospects in insurance scenarios.

Xi CHEN, director of the Industrial Investment Promotion Department of the Hainan Boao Hope City Administration and director of the Boao Hope City Medical and Business Integration Research and Development Center, introduced the development history, unique advantages and development trends of Hope City to the guests, and also expressed her views on the development of the city. AXA Tianping was highly recognized for its active exploration of new and high-quality medical resources. She said that AXA Tianping is a high-quality insurance company with rich experience in international commercial insurance. In the future, she hopes that the two parties can further deepen cooperation, better develop and utilize Hope City’s new and excellent medical resources, and jointly help establish a multi-level security system to benefit more consumers.

Eva HUANG, Chief Marketing and Communications Officer of AXA Tianping, introduced AXA’s vision and commitment, product services and ESG initiatives, as well as the “AXA·Care AXA Tianping Professional, convenient and heart-warming Service”. She said, “AXA Tianping has always been committed to using the global vision and resources of AXA Group to serve the Chinese market. We have insight into customer needs, listen to their voices, carefully select high-quality medical resources, and provide services based on customer needs. AXA strives to create quality services in order to continuously improve customer experience and be a good partner on our customers’ health journey.”

Xiangjie ZHOU, assistant to the president and director of the Department of Pharmacy of Hainan Boao Super Hospital, extended a warm welcome to the arrival of the AXA Tianping Research Group, and introduced in detail the key “pilot-first” projects of Boao Super Hospital, giving the guests a better understanding of the leading advantages and specific practices in new and excellent medical resources.

The guests also listened to the professional sharing by Mr. Yu Pengfei, head of the insurance business department of Beijing Yuanxin Health Management Service Company, and fully understood how to use high-quality insurance products to help customers obtain new and high-quality medical care such as licensed drugs in Boao Hope City.

Rongbin ZHOU, deputy general manager of AXA Tianping’s Jiangsu Branch, represented the company to give a wonderful sharing about AXA Tianping’s solutions and future prospects in the field of medical insurance, which triggered heated discussions and positive feedback from agency partners.

In addition, Chunli WANG, head of AXA Tianping Health Insurance, and Yan ZHENG, head of AXA Tianping’s Channel Support Department, also delivered speeches respectively, expressing their strong support for AXA Tianping’s work in the field of health insurance development and channel expansion.

The AXA New Excellent Medical Network Experience – Boao Hope City Trip received positive response and high recognition from business partners. Members of the study group unanimously said that this was a wonderful journey full of surprises, fun and gains; while the international perspectives, new concepts and knowledge, and the colorful event activities brought everyone an extraordinary experience.

Join hands with AXA and enter Hope City!

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