
安盛之星 AXA Stars


AXA Stars



In the AXA Star contest , altogether 22 AXA colleagues from headquarters and branches are entitled to awards of AXA Stars in Transformation , Customer First , Integrity , Courage , and One AXA . This special column was set up for them so we can all know their stories in living the AXA values and making their contribution to the company’s growth.

This month we will introduce stories of our One AXA Star – Wang Xin, Deputy Manager of the Business Management Department; and Customer First Star Yang Xueli, Sales Agent at the Online Direct Sales Center.














One AXA Star——Wang Xin’s Story

Wang Xin joined AXA Tianping in October 2011 and currently serves as deputy manager of the business management department. “Every day makes a difference, with no contribution wasted” is how she sums up her work of the past 11 years. Wang Xin has always been willing to patiently share and cooperate at work, and has established a deep relationship with the company and colleagues. She has conducted more than 60 “EXCLE mini-classes” using email, WeChat, etc. to help colleagues improve office efficiency. She also used her lunch break and other fragmented time to conduct “car model knowledge mini-classes” to inject industry knowledge into everyone.

Through her and her colleagues’ efforts, Dezhou Zhongzhi’s auto insurance cost has been significantly optimized. In 2022, her auto insurance policy cost was 96%, 6% better than the assessment value. After the “two documents” were issued by the regulatory authorities, Dezhou Zhongzhi Branch strengthened the management of various thresholds and independent coefficients, helping the company establish a good image of compliance development.

Q: How do you feel about receiving the AXA Star award?

I feel delighted and grateful!

Thank you to the head office for providing this platform, and thanks to the leaders for their affirmation and colleagues for their support. Receiving the AXA Star is of great significance to me. It is encouragement and guidance.

Although the road is long, we must reach our destination. Each of us working in seemingly ordinary positions are shining brightly. I hope that the flame of the AXA Stars will continue to burn brightly!

Q: What helps you stay confident, healthy, and happy?

Usually, as long as the weather is not bad, I will choose to go to work by bike. Breathing in the fresh morning air is the best way to start an energetic day with five kilometers of aerobic exercise. After a day’s work, riding the bicycle home amid the smell of fireworks feels particularly relaxing both physically and mentally.

Commuting by bicycle has many benefits. It not only avoids the annoyance and helplessness of traffic jams during peak hours, but also makes up for the regret of being unable to achieve “gym freedom” due to busy work. It is also environmentally friendly. The golden autumn season is very suitable for cycling, and I recommend everyone to try it.

Q: Any books or TV series you would like to share?

Recently I’ve been reading “Xue Zhaofeng’s Lectures on Economics”, in which Professor Xue provides unique insights and suggestions on young people’s workplace, marriage, personal development and the securities market. This book is very easy to read. It uses a large number of simple, real, and interesting Chinese cases to explain, confirm, and deduce economic principles, helping readers understand the economic logic behind the phenomenon and use economic thinking to become an understanding person in a complex world.











Customer First Star——Yang Xueli’s Story

Yang Xueli joined AXA Tianping in November 2015 and currently serves as a sales agent in the online direct sales  online center. She has always adhered to the original intention of “providing customers with the most comprehensive protection” to serve every customer. In the early days of joining AXA, industry overlay was still in its infancy, customers were not willing to accept it, and many people were unwilling to participate in insurance. Yang Xueli discovered that in fact, customers weren’t not in need of these products, but only did not understand them, which caused a small dilemma in the initial stage. So, she began to patiently introduce the content and protection of each insurance type to each customer, summarized and promoted her experience, and shared it with her team partners so that everyone could make progress together.

With the upgrade of the company’s products and the improvement of personal strength, Yang Xueli’s personal premium conversion rate has gradually increased from 6.67% to 10%, and her auto insurance performance has also been at the top for a long time. From January 2022 to October 2022, her personal auto insurance contribution reached 740 thousand, and the superimposed premium reached 70 thousand. Yang Xueli always believes that as long as she follows the company’s development pace and continues to learn, improve and make progress in her future work, she will be able to ride the wind and waves and overcome all difficulties.

Q: How do you feel about receiving the AXA Star award?

It is really an honor to receive the AXA Star. I am also very grateful to my team leader for his support, my leaders for their recognition, and my colleagues who voted for me despite their busy schedules! This honor is really a great encouragement to me, and it has planted another seed in my daily work: it makes me more aware of the significance of my job, and makes me unswervingly bring more value to my customers. I hope that I can continue to contribute more to the team and the big AXA family with this honor!

Q: What helps you stay confident, healthy, and happy?

I am a lively and cheerful person, and I am usually the most conspicuous member of the team. I have always believed that a positive and optimistic attitude will not only make me happy, but will also infect the people around me. I also like to take pictures and record the people and things around me at any time. People’s memories are fallible, so I like to record them.

Q: Any books or TV series you would like to share?

The movie “Erin Brockovich” tells the inspirational story of a woman who strives for self-improvement. A single mother who was helpless wins respect and career success through her own efforts. When the going gets tough, that’s when you can truly see a person’s strength.

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