
安盛应邀出席第八届中国-东盟保险合作与发展论坛 CFO Pierre Laur Speaks at 8th China-ASEAN Summit Forum on Insurance Cooperation and Development


CFO Pierre Laur Speaks at 8th China-ASEAN Summit Forum on Insurance Cooperation and Development


Pierre Laur致辞






The 8th China-ASEAN Summit Forum on Insurance Cooperation and Development was held in Nanning, Guangxi Province, on September 21. AXA  was invited to make a speech.

CFO Pierre LAUR touched on AXA’s business operations in the ASEAN region and China market, highlighting that the year 2022 witnessed impressive business growth in the emerging Asia market, with gross revenues above €1billion, with double-digit growth. The region, along with China, is one of the growth engines of AXA Group.

AXA’s success is due to a clear core strategy of customer protection. At the same time, localization is an important strategy for business expansion, especially when developing medical insurance and commercial insurance businesses for underserved groups and business owners. It is particularly important to adapt to local needs. Through close cooperation with local channel partners, AXA fully understands local contexts to innovate products, and cooperates with local governments to launch tailored health protection plans.

In China, AXA also cooperates with local insurance companies to carry out reinsurance business to better fulfill our commitment to customers. In addition, building on the strength of our global network, AXA leverages common frameworks and assets such as our advanced pricing tools, risk management and reinsurance capabilities, investment pools and digital investments, and leverages internal rotations, training and experience Share to develop talent in Asia and globally.

At present, with the increasing income levels and the emphasis on insurance among people in China and ASEAN, the insurance market in the region is showing vigorous vitality and development potential, which means huge market opportunities for the insurance industry including AXA. In the future, China and ASEAN will also stand at the forefront of global development and play an important role in ESG sustainable development and green insurance, becoming an important arena for finding global solutions.

The high-quality development in China and ASEAN has convinced AXA that global insurance companies will continue to play an important role in supporting these economies. AXA can use its extensive resources and experience to help narrow the insurance protection gap in these regions. In the future, AXA will continue to provide localized solutions to respond to global challenges and act for human progress to protect what matters.

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