
守护困境女童,安盛与你同行 — 志愿者再访凉山 Protecting Girls in Difficulty, AXA By Your Side – Volunteers Return to Liangshan

守护困境女童,安盛与你同行 — 志愿者再访凉山

Protecting Girls in Difficulty, AXA By Your Side – Volunteers Return to Liangshan


今年六月,安盛天平围绕 “关注弱势群体”的主题,推出了面向员工及合作伙伴的年度公益志愿者项目 — “守护困境女童,安盛与你同行”,旨在为需要帮助的困境儿童提供所需的生活物资及卫生教育,以实际行动为凉山彝族自治州的乡村教育均衡发展、以及困境儿童的健康成长贡献力量。



9月16号, 8名安盛志愿者再度赶赴四川省凉山彝族自治州爱佑儿童之家,持续探访帮扶困境儿童的现状,并通过互动游戏和爱心入户访问为孩子们送去爱与陪伴。


AXA Hearts, Always in Action

In June this year, AXA Tianping launched an annual public welfare volunteer project called “Protecting Girls in Difficulty, AXA By Your Side” around the theme of “caring for vulnerable groups.” The project aims to provide necessary living supplies and health education to children in need, and to contribute to the balanced development of rural education in Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture and the healthy growth of children in difficult situations.

For a long time, AXA has continued to help children in need improve their living conditions, such as through encouraging employees to participate in corporate matching donations through charity walks, mobilizing employees to go to Liangshan for on-site visits, and the “One Policy, One Love” charity plan. At present, AXA’s “Hearts in Action” campaign is still expanding, and we will work together with all walks of life to dedicate our love and inspire many caring people. We will mobilize customers and channel partners to actively participate and join AXA’s charity camp. Together we constantly expand the boundaries of public welfare, create and share value together.

In the “One Policy, One Love” charity program that ended not long ago, the AXA Global Health Insurance team made 974 donations, and donation reached a sum of RMB 175,320 in just two months.

On September 16th, eight AXA volunteers once again rushed to the Aiyou Children’s Home in Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province, to visit and help children in difficult situations, and to bring love and companionship to them through interactive games and home visits.

AXA Hearts in Action is a long-term movement that unites the love of caring people from all walks of life and continuously passes on warm deeds. We will spare no effort to provide support and assistance to children in difficult situations, work hand in hand with channel partners and customers, and jointly practice love and responsibility to bridge the gap in unbalanced development with practical actions, bringing confidence and hope to the future of all!

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