
「安游世界 启程有礼」互动活动完美收官 Travel the World Armed with Blessings Campaign Successfully Concludes

「安游世界 启程有礼」互动活动完美收官

Travel the World Armed with Blessings Campaign Successfully Concludes

安盛天平八月份发起的「安游世界 启程有礼」社交媒体传播活动于9月2日完美落幕。在整个活动期间,安盛天平收到了来自全国各地共552份出游心愿,吸引了超2.4万人关注,并成功收获超过4万的点赞。







The “Travel the World Armed with Blessings” social media campaign launched by AXA Tianping in August has successfully concluded on September 2 During the event, AXA Tianping received a total of 552 travel wishes from all over the country, attracting more than 24,000 impressions and successfully received more than 40,000 likes.

We interviewed several award winners who have had fascinating travel experiences . Let’s take a look some of the moving sceneries they expereienced across the border.

This is netizen “Mao Xian”. This summer, her daughter, accompanied by her cousin, went to Africa and embarked on a wonderful journey full of “firsts”.

This is netizen “Moore.”. He has regained his interest in cycling this year, and despite often traveling with his parents, has never felt “bored”. How does he do it?

Whether you are experiencing the thrill of nature in the African savannah, or getting to know a familiar city again, you can always discover surprises that elude you in daily life. AXA guards you to travel with peace of mind, and expect the unexpected on the road.

This event has received strong support from various branches across the country. After more than a month of competition, the three branches with the most submissions were Guangdong, Jiangsu, and Shanghai. AXA has given away many surprise gifts, including AXA customized large-capacity shopping bags and customized long-handled golf umbrellas.

We hope these gifts will accompany your safe travels! At the end of the event, award-winning individuals who participated will be invited and interviewed in depth to share their wonderful travel stories. “Act for human progress by protecting what matters” is the core intention and mission of AXA Tianping. AXA will always be committed to protecting you and your family during your travels.

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