在这个三年新冠疫情阻隔后的首个春天里,我们迎来了安盛亚非首席执行官韦国敦(Gordon Watson)、安盛亚洲首席战略发展官Françoise Gilles的到访。公司管理团队汇报了2022年的业绩表现及2023年的发展规划,并就偿付能力管理、分支机构及渠道转型和ESG可持续发展等专项工作进行了充分细致的沟通。
芬芳四月,生机勃发,市场发展信心也与日俱增。4月11日,安盛健康险论坛在泉城济南顺利启动。本次活动以“同心同行,转型求盛”为主题,围绕公司今年的业务重点——员福业务展开深入讨论,充分展示了安盛在健康保障和企业客户服务方面的综合优势。论坛期间还进行了“关爱员工,护航企业” 安盛员工福利计划首站路演点亮仪式,象征着我们为企业客户赋能增效,提供丰富多元、灵活定制的健康保障解决方案,解除企业后顾之忧,助力实体经济稳健发展。
为弘扬安盛价值观,发现和表彰为公司业务转型和发展做出卓越贡献的优秀团队与杰出个人,公司于 2022 年底开展了总裁大奖(CEO Award)与安盛之星(AXA Star)的评选活动。经过所在部门推荐,员工投票和管理层评议,最终有 9支团队荣获CEO Award荣誉,23 位员工荣膺安盛之星,恭喜你们!
Dear AXA colleagues,
April is the best season of the year. These days are warm and cool, and particularly enjoyable when one is intercepted with a spring breeze.
In this first spring after the three-year COVID-19 pandemic, we welcomed Gordon Watson, AXA Asia & Africa CEO, and Françoise Gilles, AXA Asia Chief Strategy Developing Officer for a visit. The company’s management team reported on our 2022 performance and our 2023 development plan. Detailed discussions on specific operations including solvency management, branch and channel transformation and ESG were carried out.
Gordon fully recognized the achievements of AXA Tianping in the past few years, especially its efforts and resilience in response to the impact of the pandemic and market uncertainty. Gordon expressed that as the world’s leading insurance group, AXA has unparalleled technical and professional capabilities. Combined with China’s vast market demand, the future of development will be bright. The Group is willing to provide the resources needed for development, and encourages AXA Tianping to make full use of resources and advantages to further understand customer needs, create products and services that meet and exceed customer expectations, and win market opportunities with differentiated advantages.
April showers bring May flowers. The confidence in China’s market development is also increasing day by day. On April 11, the AXA Health Insurance Forum was successfully held in Jinan. With the theme of “Make it better”, the roadshow centers on the business focus of this year: the employee welfare protection plan. In-depth discussions were carried out, giving full play to AXA’s comprehensive advantages in health protection and corporate services. During the forum, there was also a lighting ceremony for the first roadshow of the AXA Employee Welfare Protection Plan, which symbolized how AXA empowers and increases efficiency for corporate customers, provides rich, diverse, flexible and customized health protection solutions, and relieves the worries of enterprises, all towards the steady development of the real economy.
To promote AXA’s company values, discover and commend outstanding teams and individuals who have made noteworthy contributions to the company’s business transformation and development, the company carried out selection activities for the CEO Award (CEO Award) and AXA Star (AXA Star) at the end of 2022 . After receiving recommendations by your departments, voted in by employees and finally reviewed by the management, 9 teams won the CEO Award and 23 employees were awarded the AXA Star. Congratulations too all!
This month, Emma by AXA 3.0 was launched, a WeChat mini program that condenses AXA Tianping’s local practice and group resource advantages into one convenient online platform. As of the end of March, 100% of our institutional colleagues have completed the registration. I hope that more of our partners will register and experience Emma by AXA, and enjoy the convenient experience it brings.

安盛天平首席执行官 左伟豪
CEO of AXA Tianping Kevin Chor