AXA Stars
为弘扬安盛价值观,推动安盛天平转型发展,并树立个人楷模,公司于 2022 年底开展了“安盛之星”评优活动。经过所在部门推荐,员工投票和管理层评议,最终有 23 位来自总部及机构的优秀员工荣获第二届“安盛之星”的称号。
To promote AXA’s company values, accelerate AXA Tianping’s transformation, and to establish role models, AXA launched the AXA Star Contest at the end of 2022. After going through department recommendation, employees voting, and the review by management, 23 outstanding employees from the AXA headquarter and institutions were awarded the AXA Star in the 2nd AXA Star Contest.
In the AXA Star contest , altogether 23 AXA colleagues from headquarters and branches are entitled to awards of AXA Stars in Transformation , Customer First , Integrity , Courage , and One AXA . This special column was set up for them so we can all know their stories in living the AXA values and making their contribution to the company ‘ s growth .
This month we will introduce stories of our Customer First Star – Chen Wei of Shared Service Center Operations Management Department and ONE AXA Star – Zhao Hanjing, Director of Data and Performance Management Office of Claims Management Department.

Customer First Star – Chen Wei’s Story:
Chen Wei joined AXA Tianping after graduating in 2010, and is currently managing AXA Tianping’s motor insurance value-added services at HQ and directing the value-added service operations across 25 agencies and call centres. Chen has been active in China’s motor insurance industry for 13 years. Since leading the establishment of the AXA car owner shop 2017, the platform has provided 1.3 million counts of value-added services to nearly 1 million AXA customers.
Q: How do you feel about winning the AXA Star Award?
I feel honored and grateful to the company for giving me the AXA Star Award. This is not only a recognition of my work, but also a piece of encouragement and care for all of us. I am grateful to every leader who cultivated me and every colleague who helped, cared about, and voted for me. Winning this award also motivates my future work. I sincerely hope that more AXA employees’ strengths can be recognized through each year’s AXA Star Award.
Q: What helps you stay healthy, positive, and confident?
I read an article some time ago about how to maintain happiness which I really agreed with. The article said that if the three conditions of playfulness, connection and flow are all met at the same time, we will feel happy and live healthier lives. I have been trying to live by these rules. For example, I) I have two to three workouts per week, during which I keep myself away from the phone and fully devote myself to exercise; II) I have lunch with my colleagues every day and gather with my friends regularly, increasing connection with people through having more interactions; III) I seek opportunities to have fun, such as going shopping with friends and having regular family trips, through which I maintain positive energy when enjoying the pleasing and relaxing atmosphere with people surrounding me; IV) I hope that everyone can value happiness as I do, because only after attaching importance to happiness will it make you keep looking for things that please you.
Q: Any books, movies, or TV series you would like to share?
I watched the movie《The Asada Family 》this year following my friends’ recommendation. This movie is based on a true story in 2020. At first I went to the movie because I like Satoshi Tsumabuki. The movie is mainly about how the main character regained strength after facing challenges and became a professional photographer, and how an unexpected tsunami made him rethink the meaning of life, motivating him to become a volunteer for post-disaster reconstruction and to look for an owner of a lost photo album. This warm and healing film sparked laughter and tears, and is very worth watching.
赵寒菁2009年加入公司,参与理赔转型、理赔人力资源管理咨询、互联网业务发展等多个战略项目。目前从事理赔条线的数据分析、绩效管理和理赔费用管控工作。她出色完成多项任务:新能源车险项目 phase 8顺利结项;健康险理赔分析报表上线;服务质量指数数据项目1期上线,正在完善数据应用,以便及时监控服务质量指数的数据表现;理赔减损各类指标表现优于去年同期;反欺诈减损率高于年度目标,50%的减损由系统预警,自建模型2022年实现减损1129万等。
《对“伪心理学”说不》(How to think straight about psychology)。如果你平时也对性格测试、星座、血型等娱乐化心理学很感兴趣,也像我一样常常感觉好像“对”好像又“不对”,推荐这本书,有趣,破除一些生活中的“误解”,科学认识“心理学”。

One AXA Star– Zhao Hanqing’s Story:
Zhao Hanqing joined AXA in 2009 and has been involved in various strategic projects, such as claims transformation, human resources management consulting, and internet business development. Zhao is currently engaged in data analysis, performance management and claims expense control. She has excelled in many tasks such as successfully completing phase 8 of the new energy vehicle project; launching the health insurance claims analysis report; launching phase 1 of the service quality index data online; and is currently in the process of improving the data applications, to improve the timeliness of monitoring the service quality index. With Zhao’s effort, various claims loss reduction indexes have performed better than last year; anti-fraud loss reduction has been higher than the annual target; 50 % of impairments were warned by the system; and 11.29 million RMB of impairment was addressed by 2022 by self-built models.
Q: How do you feel about winning the AXA Star Award?
I am grateful to the company for creating this evaluation mechanism of AXA Star Award, giving everyone who works hard an opportunity to shine. It is a pleasure and a motivation to see my individual progress and value created recognized. I am grateful for the trust and recognition of my leaders and colleagues in receiving the honor of “AXA Star Award”, and I will continue to practice AXA’s values of “Customer First”, “Integrity Leadership”, “Courageous Decision Making”, and “Unity” in my work, be responsible in every small and big task, serve internal and external customers better, and work together with all of my dear colleagues on the company’s high quality development path and make a torch out of a little spark.
Q: What helps you stay healthy?
Getting enough sleep and often chatting with friends to share feelings.
Q: Any books or TV series you would like to share?
“How to think straight about psychology”. If you are interested in personality tests, horoscopes, blood types and other entertaining psychology tests, I recommend you read this interesting book. It can help dispel some misconceptions on psychology and approach it from a scientific perspective.