AXA Tianping launched a series of themed activities during 315
在今年“3·15消费者权益保护教育宣传周”期间,安盛天平围绕 “共筑诚信消费环境,提振金融消费信心”的活动主题,践行从“赔付者到陪伴者”的企业愿景,扎实推进企业诚信文化建设,促进金融市场公平有序;活动同时也注重提升金融服务教育,其中包括投资者适当性和对重点区域、特殊群体的金融教育。

- 全面优化全国网点的服务设施,调整人工服务优先级,以优先接待特殊人群客户;
- 持续提升机构人员的服务水平,遍布全国20个省份的分支机构合理配置网点服务人员,主动以暖心方式提供服务引导;
- 客户咨询业务、办理事项时,做到一次性全面准确告知,并将特殊人群保险服务能力纳入服务人员日常管理常态化培训中;
- 通过优化柜面业务办理流程,支持多种支付方式,开展便捷延伸服务等,不断完善保险服务的建设。

我们也积极参与教育宣传和风险提示有关的活动,例如“315” 国际消费者权益保护日以及防范非法集资宣传月,提示客户及特殊人群常见骗局手法,并帮助他们提升风险防范意识。
During this year’s “March 15th Consumer Rights Protection Education and Publicity Week”, AXA Tianping held different activities centring on the theme of “Building an Honest Consumption Environment and Boosting Financial Consumption Confidence” and achieving the corporate vision principle of becoming “from a payer to a companion”. It solidly promotes the corporate integrity culture and constructs a fair and orderly financial market. It also focuses on improving financial service education, including investor suitability and financial education for special groups in key areas.
Being the “companion” of our customers, AXA Tianping is committed to providing four major service measures for special groups such as the elderly and the disabled. Practical actions are taken to protect consumer rights and improve service quality.
- The service facilities of our outlets have been comprehensively optimized with adjustments in our manual services, especially giving priority to our customers from special groups.
- In the branches of 20 provinces across the country, they have a reasonable allocation of network service personnel that provides one-time comprehensive and accurate responses to customers’ business inquiries.
- Targeting our insurance service capabilities on the special populations, we aim to incorporate them into our training of daily service personnel management.
- Through optimizing the counter business handling process, supporting multiple payment methods, and carrying out convenient and extended services, we are always committed to improving the construction of insurance services.
We have actively participated in activities related to education, publicity, and risk warning such as the “315” International Consumer Rights Protection Day and the Prevention of Illegal Fundraising Publicity Month. Our active participation in financial knowledge education is helpful for our customers and special groups to raise their awareness of common scam methods and risk prevention.