Support for women,#EmbracesEquity
在安盛,我们倡导性别平等,因为我们深知每个人的一言一行不仅对职场,甚至对整个社会都产生着深远影响。3月8日国际劳动妇女节前夕,安盛天平推出了#拥抱平权 的一系列女性产品传播活动。
安盛大中华区总裁尹玄慧女士、安盛天平董事长朱沙苗女士、安盛天平首席执行官左伟豪先生、安盛天平首席财务官Laur Pierre Denis、安盛天平首席市场及公共事务官黄长青女士,以及及众多机构同事积极参与,为支持性别平权发声,弘扬安盛拥抱公平和鼓励包容的企业文化。




At AXA, we speak openly about gender equity. We know that we are all parts of a whole, and that our individual actions, conversations, behaviors, and mindsets can have an impact on our workplace and society. The eve of International Working Women’s Day on March 8 with, the product promotion campaign #EmbraceEquity was rolled out.
The official theme of this year’s International Women’s Day is #EmbraceEquity. On this occasion, we invited every employee to participate in this global event, and work together with colleagues from AXA Asia and Africa to create an equal world where half of the world’s population can achieve more achievements and success. Such support and participation will help eliminate gender barriers in the workplace and support the development of women in the workplace.
Sally WAN, CEO of AXA Greater China, Sara ZHU, Chairman of AXA Tianping, Kevin CHOR, CEO of AXA Tianping, Laur Pierre Denis, Chief Financial Officer of AXA Tianping, Eva HUANG, Chief Marketing and Communications Officer of AXA Tianping, and colleagues from many institutions actively spoke up in support of gender equality to promote AXA’s corporate culture of embracing equity and encouraging inclusiveness.