
首发《可持续发展报告》,与利益相关方共同关注关键议题AXA Tianping Addresses Critical Issues that Matter to the Company and to Its Stakeholders through Its First Sustainability Report


AXA Tianping Addresses Critical Issues that Matter to the Company and to Its Stakeholders through Its First Sustainability Report




As a responsible insurer that puts its societal commitments at heart, AXA Tianping is dedicated to helping government reach the dual carbon goals and protect the interests of people, enterprises and society. We aspire to share our understanding and strategies on sustainable development with all walks of life and demonstrate that our business can be a force for good.

In April 2022, AXA Tianping established an ESG working committee headed by the CEO, and formulated an action framework for sustainable development based on realistic goals, finetuning the group’s sustainable development strategy, and green financial policy guidelines to focus on low-carbon sustainability through four core areas of inclusive finance and social responsibility, talent empowerment, digital innovation and compliance governance. With extensive planning, and communications of relevant measures and progress through the annual sustainable development report, the group will optimize the company’s sustainable development practices, and promote communication and collaboration with various stakeholders.

In this context, AXA Tianping is proud to have released the company’s first sustainability report through which we address critical issues that matter not only to our business, but also to our stakeholders. Scan the below QR code to learn more.

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