A successful Data Open Day
随着数据安全监管日趋严格,安全合规要求持续提升,为强化公司的数据治理文化建设,12月5日-9日,安盛天平总公司大数据应用部举办了第三届Data Open Day数据开放日活动。今年的数据开放日活动以“数据驱动,安全护航 – Data Driven, Security Assurance”为主题,旨在公司内营造浓厚的数据文化氛围、推广数据应用及产品,同时寻找数据“安全”和“应用”的平衡点。

With increasing demand for data security and compliance, the AXA Group Big Data Applications Department held the 3rd Data Open Day to strengthen the company’s data governance culture on December 5-9. With the theme of “Data Driven, Security Assurance”, the Data Open Day aimed to create a strong data culture within the company to promote data applications and products and to find a balance between data “security” and “application”.
The <AXA Tianping Data Governance Quarterly> was launched during the event, with the attendance of Chief Executive Officer Mr. Kevin Chor, Chief Actuary and Chief Pricing Officer Mr. Zhaonan Yin, Chief Marketing and Public Affairs Officer Mr. Changqing Huang, Chief Operating Officer Mr. Jianguang Yu, Chief Human Resources Officer Mr. Yingzhao Zhou and representatives from the data management team. Over the past year since the establishment of the Data Management Committee, all departments have been working together to ensure the smooth running of data governance.
A workshop on data security was also set up during the event. In addition, the online exhibition hall of the event showcased data security-related laws and regulations, data governance, EMMA, the common big screen of the central organization and data analysis reports. The data-related laws and regulations knowledge was passed to all staff via games to deepen ttheir understanding of data security.