AXA Tianping Supports Dual Carbon Target and the Improvement of Living Standards of Vulnerable Communities
自2022年6月开始,安盛天平落地了集团在全球范围内的环保减碳项目,与环保非政府组织 CliamteSeed 合作,通过在四川13个地市安置沼气池和无烟沼气炉,回收在当地普遍使用的动物粪便储存坑排放的甲烷,为贫困农户日常做饭、取暖、照明提供了清洁、可靠、方便和免费的能源。
截止目前,该项目已减少约 340,000 吨煤炭和 800,000 吨二氧化碳当量,并预计在为期28年的沼气项目使用周期内减排高达2000万吨二氧化碳当量,并极大地减少当地居民罹患呼吸系统疾病和人畜共患疾病等健康风险。

Since June, AXA Tianping has helped to transform the environmental, health and economic conditions of over 400,000 rural households across 13 cities in Sichuan province through its support for the Sichuan Rural Poor-Household Biogas Project in collaboration with environmentally friendly NGO ClimateSeed, as part of AXA Group’s Carbon Offsetting initiaitves.By installaling numerous biogas digesters and smoke-free biogas cookstoves, methane emissions originating from widely used animal manure storage pits are avoided, providing participating households with clean, reliable, convenient and free biogas for cooking, heating, and lighting, contributing to the reduction of around 340,000 tons of coal and 800,000 tCO2e every tear with the potential to save up to a whopping 20 million tCO2e within its 28-year lifetime. Health risks such as respiratory and zoonotic diseases are also greatly mitigated. Additionally, 10,000 local jobs were created from this project, helping to support the local economy.This project not only epitomizes AXA Group’s global commitment and social responsibility through meaningful real-world transformation, but also aligns with China’s national dual-carbon agenda by replacing carbon-intensive fuel emissions with clean energy fuel sources. Moving forward, AXA Tianping will continue to strive towards its global mission of “act for human progress by protecting what matters” and act on its societal commitments in the era of dual carbon.