2022 Q2 AXA Marketing Stars
In March this year, the marketing department has set up a Branches’ Marketing Contact & Communication System. With the strong support from the marketing liaisons of each branch, marketing resources from the headquarters and marketing campaigns have been effectively put into practice, and have met the requirements from frontline in a timely manner. The branches’ marketing contacts played a core role in the operation and communication between the headquarters and branches, contributing to AXA Tianping’s marketing activities implementation in each branch.
In addition to WeChat message, emails and monthly meetings, the marketing department has also launched the “AXA Marketing Ambassador” incentive programme, which aims to motivate branch contacts to promote the implementation of marketing activities and enhance branches’ understanding of AXA’s brand, products and services. Branches will compete in the annual “AXA Marketing Star” and “AXA Marketing Ambassador” competitions. The incentive scheme will give out awards every quarter and the “AXA Marketing Ambassador of the Year” will be selected at the end of the year based on the quarterly assessment.
In the first round of Marketing Stars Awards for the second quarter of 2022, a total of 12 branch contacts from Yunnan, Shandong, Ningbo, Beijing, Shaanxi, Dongguan, Zhejiang, Guangxi, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Jiangsu and Dalian were awarded. At the awards ceremony, marketing contact from the Zhejiang branch, Mr Chuanzhou Weng, shared his experience and discussed with other contacts. The winners also shared acceptance speech.

Yunnan – Marketing contact – Junyu Liang
Acceptance speech:
“The headquarters have been doing a great job offering us support. Yunnan branch has been following their footsteps. I am honoured to win this award and will work harder and contribute more.”

Shandong – Marketing contact – Liang Wang
“Shandong will continue to follow the headquarters in doing every activity, and make good use of resource, serving with heart…”

Ningbo – Marketing Contact – Song Jieqiong
“The marketing activities of the headquarters have been highly recognized and loved by our frontline colleagues and partners, which also helped us to establish a solid foundation for the AXA brand……”

Beijing – Marketing contact – Dehua Guo
“Special thanks to our headquarters and colleagues for their strong support to the Beijing branch, providing us with a wide range of marketing tools and giving our marketing team more options to drive our work ……”

Shaanxi – Marketing contact – Guanlong He
“I am very grateful for the help and support from the headquarters, and I will keep closer contact with HQ and work with my colleagues there to provide more support for the marketing activities of our branch.”

Dongguan – marketing contact – Qing Wang
“Thanks for organising this event and to every mentor in the marketing department for their strong support. I’m honoured to win the award, and the Dongguan branch will keep going for better work to support the frontline!”

Zhejiang – Marketing contact – Chuanzhou Weng
“Thanks to the support from the HQ, Zhejiang branch will work harder and strive for the best”.

Guangxi – Marketing contact – Kaiyan Qin
“Mant thanks to the headquarters for your ongoing support and big thanks to the marketing department for providing us with much support……”

Shanghai – Marketing contact – Hao Li
“We would like to thank the marketing department for their all-rounded support to our branch. I recalled the cinema event held last October and the AXA ads placed in the lifts and metro stations by the HQ, which were very beneficial to the Shanghai branch for better marketing. This year, the posters and onsite activities launched by the marketing department have given support to community marketing and branding. We will make good use of every resource from the headquarters to help the business grow.”

Shenzhen – marketing contact – Wendong Chen
“Thanks to the support from headquarters in delivering various styles of marketing tools to enhance our customer acquisition opportunities, Shenzhen branch will continue to enhance customer viscosity and drive customer acquisition.”

Jiangsu – marketing contact – Yan Liang
“Thanks to our leaders for their support to the Jiangsu branch, especially in terms of advertising and resource support. Looking forward, our branch will do best to accomplish every task and marketing activity to pump up frontline sales and enhance production, thank you!”

Dalian – marketing contact – Yulin Chi
“Thanks to the headquarters for providing various marketing tools that branches can use effectively for business development. I am also grateful for the communication platform set up by the head office, which allowed us to learn from the good branch practices. For example, the “COVID prevention kit” by Zhejiang branch has inspired me that I can apply in my work……”