AXA Tianping Holds Special All-hands Meeting
- 稳固的中法关系为安盛天平的稳健发展奠定了坚实基础,为充满不确定性的世界贡献了可以信赖的稳定性和宝贵的建设性。安盛对经济发展规律与风险管理的深刻体会与洞察,也将在参与构建新发展格局中发挥重要作用;
- 安盛集团对中国市场的坚定看好提供了有力支撑。在中国银保监会深度解读二十大报告的专栏文章中,安盛全资收购安盛天平成为中国金融业对外开放,积极引进外资的示例典范;
- 举世瞩目的二十大报告明确提出“坚持把发展经济的着力点放在实体经济上”,为全行业指明了“坚定不移推进财产保险业高质量发展,积极服务社会主义现代化强国建设”的发展道路;
- 以左伟豪先生为首的管理团队将为安盛天平“在不确定性中提供确定性”。通过更好地整合集团资源,将全球视野与中国国情相结合,公司通过战略定位、发展策略及强有力的落地执行,实现在激烈的市场竞争中的破局鼎新。


回顾2022年,公司各项转型工作都取得了重要进展。截至今年前三季度,机构非车转型取得了优秀的成绩。机构非车保费同比增速96%,非车占比从13% 提升到23%,渠道拓展、渠道服务能力都有很大提升,经代渠道健康险保费比去年增加180%以上。机构在队伍建设、核保专业能力搭建、经营管理能力提升等,都取得很大进步。同时我们在车险核保定价能力提升、健康险核心系统建设、核保和理赔的线上化、智能化,以及机构分级管理、制度建设、合规文化建设等方面都在稳步推进。

On November 1st, we held the third employee town hall in 2022 at the Ruiming headquarters. This is my first official meeting with you. In addition to the AXA Tianping management team and colleagues across various departments at the headquarters, I am very happy to see colleagues from branches and telemarketing centres across the country online.
Chairman Sara Zhu gave the opening remarks for the town hall. With her 30+ years of experience in the insurance industry, she shared her thoughts on the growth opportunities for AXA Tianping:
- The strong Sino-French relationship provides a solid foundation for the steady development of AXA Tianping, and helps to provide stability and constructive collaboration amid uncertainties. AXA’s profound understanding and insight into economic development and risk management will also play an important role in adapting to the evolving economic environment;
- AXA Group’s firm commitment to the Chinese market provides strong support for AXA Tianping. In CBIC’s in-depth interpretation of the 20th National Congress report, AXA’s acquisition of AXA Tianping is mentioned as an example of China’s financial industry opening up to the world and actively attracting foreign capital;
- The report of the 20th National Congress clearly stated that “the focus of economic development should be placed on the real economy”, and that the country is determined to ” promote the high-quality development of the P&C insurance industry, and actively serve the construction of strong modern socialist country”;
- Under my leadership, the management team will “provide certainty amid uncertainty” for AXA. By better integrating the group’s resources and combining the global vision with China’s market situation, the company has achieved breakthroughs amid fierce market competition through strategic positioning, development strategies and strong implementation.
After the warm introduction by the chairman, I introduced myself to everyone. I first joined AXA in 2006 and have worked in various departments such as actuarial and product development for 15 years. I was responsible for business strategy, channel development and market expansion in AXA Hong Kong and Macau. Since 2021, I had been the chief life and health insurance business officer, responsible for managing the business with an annual premium income exceeding 20 billion yuan. I spearheaded the comprehensive transformation of AXA Hong Kong health insurance and life insurance, promoted product innovation and digital transformation, and led the strategy of the Greater Bay Area. In the past few years, through the establishment of the APAC reinsurance centre, I have done a lot of business in mainland China, and have gained some understanding of the Chinese market and AXA TIanping. With these experiences and experiences, I understand the challenges facing the company very well, and I also see a lot of opportunities in the market.
Looking back on 2022, the company has made important progress through various transformations. As of the first three quarters of this year, the organization’s non-auto transformation has achieved excellent results. Institutional non-auto premiums increased by 96% year-on-year, and the proportion of non-auto businesses increased from 13% to 23%. Channel expansion and channel service capabilities have significantly improved. Health insurance premiums through the broker/agent channel increased by more than 180% compared with last year. Our branches have made great progress in team building, professional underwriting upskilling, and operational management enhancement. At the same time, we are making steady progress in the improvement of auto insurance underwriting and pricing capabilities, the construction of the core health insurance system, the digitalisation of smart underwriting and claims settlement, as well as tiered management, system construction, and compliance culture at the brand level.
In the insurance service quality index of 1H 2022 released by China Banking Insurance Corporation (the abbreviation of China Banking Insurance Information Technology Management Co., Ltd.), we ranked eighth among P&C insurers, which fully reflects the satisfaction and recognition of consumers. It is a very rare and proud achievement for a small and medium-sized company like ours.
In the Q&A session that followed, I had discussions with colleagues online and on-site.
Hu Jiaxin from the Zhejiang branch: The company launched a three-year transformation plan after completing the wholly-foreign-owned acquisition at the end of 2019, and proposed “transforming from an auto mono-liner to a multi-liner”. We have seen a decline in the scale of our company’s auto insurance in the past two years. What do you think about the future of auto insurance for the company?
A: I think auto insurance is still the foundation of the company. We must stabilize the scale of auto insurance – the business foundation, so as to stabilize our operation and maintain our market share and influence. We can only be stronger if we are bigger. At the same time, by improving insurance protection for auto insurance customers, the company can further increase revenue and improve profitability. In the past few years, the company has invested a lot in improving the auto insurance business, including underwriting, optimization of pricing capabilities, and improvement of technical capabilities in claims and loss reduction. In the future, we will continue to invest to continuously improve the risk selection ability and profitability of auto insurance to ensure high-quality growth.
Jiang Yuwei from the project management department of the headquarters: As a foreign insurance company, AXA’s long-term development in China’s insurance market calls for leveraging the advantages of a foreign business. I believe this is inseparable from the support of the Group. Since you have been working in AXA Group for a long time, I would like to ask if you are confident in better coordinating all aspects of the Group’s resources to support the development of China’s business?
A: This is a very good question. I think that if AXA wants to become bigger and stronger in China, it needs to make full use of the advantages as a foreign company, integrate AXA’s global experience, technology and resources to adapt to the local market and truly grow in China. AXA Group is huge. How to effectively coordinate the internal resources of the Group, strengthen the Group’s understanding of the local market, and making localized innovations is not an easy task. Previously, I led the management team of AXA Hong Kong and have successfully driven many similar initiatives. For example, as the person in charge of the group’s Greater Bay Area work, I integrated market advantages across regions and supported the establishment of “Hong Kong and Macau Insurance After-sales Service Centers” in mainland cities. By coordinating the product development and reinsurance resources within the Group, I established the “AXA Asian Reinsurance Center” and successfully expanded the reinsurance business with the top P&C insurers in mainland China. At AXA Tianping, we have made many attempts to leverage the Group’s advantageous resources. AXA Group has always been committed to China’s development. I believe that under my leadership, the company’s management team will definitely make further breakthroughs in integrating the Group’s resources and supporting China’s development.
We are only two months away from 2023, let us work together to deliver strong results in 2022 and strive for excellence in 2023!