AXA Tianping Rolls out Qilubao 2022
- 保障范围广:齐鲁保2022最高保障300万,涵盖住院及门诊慢性病医保统筹内外费用、2000种列入正面清单的自费药品费用、27种特新药费用、11种罕见病用药及苯丙酮尿症患者治疗所需特殊疗效食品费用。
- 理赔速度快:齐鲁保2022的赔付系统与基本医保的经办系统实现了无缝衔接,参保人在享受基本医保报销的同时,可以同步享受“一站式”赔付,出院即可实时结算,省却了参保人垫资、跑腿、递交理赔材料。
- 健康管理强:齐鲁保2022提供电子健康档案、7×14小时健康管家、专属医保服务、极速问诊、药品免费配送和慢病管家等6项健康管理服务,365天温暖守护。
- 家庭可共济:参保人可以通过齐鲁保2022微信公众号、支付宝等途径进行线上参保,同时可以使用职工医保个人账户为本人或其近亲属进行参保缴费,实现个人账户金的家庭共济。

The 20th National Congress highlighted the importance of protecting people’s health and improving healthcare policies. On November 11, 2022, Qilubao 2022 City Customized Inclusive Commercial Medical Insurance Project was officially launched. As the only foreign insurance company joining the project, AXA Tianping participated in Qilubao for the second consecutive year, sharing its experience in inclusive finance, and helping to build a comprehensive multi-level social security system.
Qilubao is designed according to the principle of “government guidance, market operation, individual voluntariness and marginal profits on the basis of breakeven”. It is an inclusive commercial medical insurance closely connected with basic medical insurance. This product is much less restrictive compared to traditional commercial medical insurance as there is no limit to age, occupation, or physical condition for the insured, and no medical examination is required. As long as the insured persons participated in the basic medical insurance in Shandong Province or Jinan City, whether they are newborn babies or senior citizens, whether they are in good health or suffering from diseases, they all can participate in the insurance plan.
Qilubao 2022 will continue to adhere to the principle of marginal profits on the basis of breakeven. The minimum premium is 99 yuan and the maximum premium is 149 yuan. The insurance amount can reach 3 million yuan. It has many advantages:
- Wide range of coverage: Qilubao 2022 has a maximum coverage of 3 million, covering hospitalization and outpatient medical insurance for chronic diseases, 2,000 self-paid drugs included in the positive list, 27 special new drugs, 11 rare disease drugs and necessary special food for phenylketonuria patient expenses.
- Fast claim settlement: Qilubao 2022’s claim payment system is seamlessly connected with the basic medical insurance handling system. While enjoying basic medical insurance reimbursement, the insured can simultaneously enjoy one-stop claim payment and real-time settlement upon discharge. It not only saves advanced payment but also the administrative procedures.
- Strong health management: Qilubao 2022 provides six health management services, including e-health records, 7×14 health keeper, exclusive medical insurance service, quick consultation, free drug delivery, and chronic disease helper, providing intimate protection all year around.
Help your family: The insured can purchase the insurance online through the Qilubao 2022 WeChat official account, Alipay, etc., and can use the personal account of the employee medical insurance to pay for the insurance for himself or his close relatives.