AXA Tianping Kids Campaign Successfully Concluded
孩子是一个家庭乃至国家的未来,也是安盛着力守护的人群。在中国,安盛天平自五月以来展开了儿童主题整合营销传播计划,发起“100个安盛自信孩子”社交媒体传播活动,线上线下同频共振 ,从而促进儿童保险产品卓越馨选医疗保险的销售。这次整合营销活动成功通过裸眼3D视频投放、星级产品推广,带动分支机构销售和经纪代理积极参与。
5月至8月活动期间,卓越馨选医疗保险新单承保保费增长272%,其中儿童单独投保增长高达575%。同时,儿童主题活动推动客户好感度提升至 92%,购买意愿也提升了 6%。裸眼3D广告视频曝光次数高达1.04 亿次,比预期增长 38.7%。此次社交媒体传播活动通过微信平台吸引了79,047次浏览和87,159个赞,收集了934张儿童照片和约300个故事。欢迎大家点击此处观看“100个安盛自信孩子”视频。

In China, AXA Tianping launched Kids sales and marketing integrated campaign since May, featuring the 100 AXA Confident Kids social campaign, online & offline advertising and IPOP kids product drive. The integrated campaign ensures active participation of branch sales and broker agents, which contributes to the success of the campaign through the star-product-oriented program and the novel 3D video.
During the campaign period from May to August, the new policy GWP of comprehensive IPOP registered a 272% increase, with child-standalone as high as 575% jump. At the same time, the Kids campaign has boosted customer affection rate to 92% and purchase intention by 6%. The campaign’s autostereoscopic advertising videos recorded 104million impressions, 38.7% increase of estimation. The social campaign attracted 79,047views and 87,159 likes through WeChat platform, and 934 kids’ photos and around 300 stories are collected. Click here to watch the video of the 100 Confident AXA Kids.