安盛以客户为中心 致力保障消费者权益
AXA continues to act in the interest of customers and commit to consumer rights protection
今年九月,我们积极响应监管号召,启动“金融知识普及月 金融知识进万家 争做理性投资者 争做金融好网民”活动。聚焦金融消费者和投资者,宣传基础金融知识和金融风险防范技能,针对养老领域金融诈骗、电信网络诈骗、非法代理维权等侵害金融消费者合法权益和危害金融稳定安全的行为,深入开展风险提示,防范非法金融活动。坚持以“保险消费者为中心”的服务理念,我将与大家一起持续做好保险金融知识普及工作,以此为契机推动金融教育工作高质量发展,推动金融健康的社会共建,让人民群众更好地共享金融改革发展成果,满足美好生活的需要。

AXA has always been adhering to the customer-centric appaorch. We act in the interests of our customers amd think about what they want and need. Strengthening the protection of consumer rights and interests is an important part of maintaining financial order, preventing and resolving risks, and is also an inherent element for our own sustainable development.
In 2022, our consumer rights protection work is led by the Claims Customer Service Center, which has actively carried out work in various aspects such as system build-up, mechanism operation, service improvement, promotion and education, and supervision and assessment. The consumer protection work of most of our institutions is proceeding as planned, and will focus on system build-up, internal training, daily monitoring, etc., focusing on strengthening the organization’s awareness, = head office supervision and inspection , and improving the consumer protection assessment mechanism.
Recently, in response to the regulator’s call to action, we also launched the “Financial Knowledge Popularization Month, Financial Knowledge into Ten Thousands of Homes, Strive to Be a Rational Investor and a Good Financial Netizen”. For this event we focus on educating the consumers and investors, promoting basic financial knowledge and financial risk prevention skills. We will put out tips to prevent illegal financial activities, such as financial fraud targeting senior citizens, telecommunication network fraud, illegal agent rights protection and other issues that are against consumers rights and interests and endanger financial stability and security. Adhering to our “insurance customer-centric” apparoch, we continue to support the financial education of the general public and promote the co-construction of a healthy financial society. We believe this will allow the people to better share the achievements of financial reform and development and ultimating leading to a better life.
Consumer protection work is by no means limited to the annual “3.15” consumer protection education and promotion week activities, but needs to be fully implemented in all aspects of daily work. I hope to take this opportunity to encourage all branches to continue their efforts in consumer protection, ensure that the strategic goals and policies of consumer protection are effectively implemented. We have to make sure we are protecting the rights and interests of consumers in the insurance industry, promoting these and educating customers, so as to help build a harmonious financial ecological environment.