Emma by AXA在安盛天平开启全新旅程
Emma by AXA Starts Its New Journey at AXATP
在环节紧凑、内容充实的仪式中,我与管理团队及项目成员共同回顾了Emma自2019年首次进入中国以来的成长历程。三年间,Emma从微信小程序健康管理系统起步,逐渐发展到为客户提供一站式数字服务的综合平台。Emma 3.0时代,强化后的IT基础设施、数字化基础以及增值服务等将持续赋能平台,构建服务生态圈,为客户带来更流畅的体验。

On 2 September, Emma by AXA, AXA’s digital insurance and health platform, started her new 3.0 journey in China. Senior management and project teams across marketing & communications, digital transformation, health services and autovalue-added services all celebrated the milestone and held an inauguration for Emma’s new journey at AXA Tianping’s Shanghai headquarter office.
During the fruitful session, I joined the management and the project members and looked backed at Emma’s growth since her entry into China in 2019. In three years’ time, Emma has transformed from a health management WeChat Mini Program into a one-stop digital service platform for our customers. The Emma 3.0 Era is supported by enhanced IT infrastructure, digitalization as a foundation, and add-value services, bringing a smooth experience to customers through a developed service ecosystem.