Inaugural Online Leadership Workshop
人力资源部秉承AXA的学习发展理念——“work together、learn together、grow together”,自2022年5月,面向分公司的中基层管理人员推出“主管一起学”领导力学习旅程,通过定向推送课程、举办线上研讨会, 帮助学员提升能力,优化管理。 学习旅程有三大特色:1)课程内容围绕领导力经典,干货满满。2)考虑学员体验,理论结合实践,互动场以练代学,形式有趣。3)针对机构实际管理问题,开通了领导力信箱用于搜集和解决机构实际管理案例。
线上研讨会首次采取空中讨论室的方式,打破地域的局限,跨分公司分组,让每一位管理者充分交流、学习、理解兄弟分公司的优秀经验,解决切实问题。整体研讨也获得学员们的积极反馈,“增进机构同事交流,也为后续业务交流打下基础。” “流程和案例及组织都非常好,组员之间的沟通和参与效果好。”等。

AXA Tianping entered the 3.0 Era centered around “Diversified Products, Quality Control, Sustainable Growth”. The new strategic mission raises the demands on talent cultivation and competency building, which is also a challenge and transformation needs for each manager.
Adhering to Human Resources’ learning & developmental concept “work together, learn together, grow together”, the “Leaders, learn together” learning journey is launched, targeting at branch middle level leaders, help participants develop competency and uplift management skills through directional pushing online courses as well as online experience sessions. The “Leaders, learn together” journey has three features: 1) leadership modules with solid knowledge; 2) It is not only an online learning experience but also a practice sharing platform; 3) Link to branch real cases, leaders can email their leadership problem or cases to solve together.
The 1st experience session of “Leaders, learn together” wrapped up on Jul 21st, with a great success. 29 business leaders from 20 branches joined the session and discussed the real issues encountered at work, based upon what they have learnt from online courses and their own experiences. EVP Zhou Liancheng was invited to join the session and gave an opening speech, talking about leadership and encouraging leaders to improve self.
The session used a new tool of teams to facilitate, which broke location limitations. The cross-branch group discussion also encouraged leaders’ active communication to learn and provide platform for cross branch best practices sharing. Positive feedbacks were received from participants, such as “The session can help me know peers from other branches which build up a good foundation for future cooperation”, “The session is well organized which can make discussion more efficient and value added”.
Human Resources Team will continuously support every employee’s growth. Together with the company, we are united towards a successful transformation.