“安盛筑爱在行动“ 员工志愿者活动
AXA Week for Good
6月20日至25日,我们的年度员工志愿者盛事“安盛筑爱在行动”志愿者活动周在全球范围内如火如荼地展开。 6月24日下午,我和约60名来自安盛天平及合作伙伴的志愿者齐聚位于长江入海口的吴淞炮台湾湿地森林公园,开展此次户外环保志愿活动。活动期间,我们分组进行垃圾捡拾PK赛,并邀请环保组织“绿色江河”代表在知名环保地标“长江11号邮局”开授环保讲堂,共同溯江而上,领略江河之美、感受地貌变迁,探寻保护生物多样性的奥秘!
我们不但将“爱佑·安盛童乐园”小朋友对保护环境的企盼付诸净滩行动,还通过邮寄明信片的方式给未来的主人翁们送去关爱和牵挂,用绵延爱心守护孩子们对绿色家园的期待。活动结束后,捡拾好垃圾将称重并上传至“守护绿色 安盛同行”小程序,并换算成碳减排数量。这个小程序会至少运作一年,所以也欢迎大家一起多多助力国家“双碳”目标早日实现!
Last month between June 20th and 25th AXA Group has been launching its annual global employee volunteering event “AXA Week for Good” across markets. On the afternoon of June 24, I joined over 60 staff and partner volunteers for a clean-up event at the Wusong Paotaiwan Wetland Forest Park. During the event, we competed in groups, and invited representatives of the environmental protection organization “Green River” to give a lecture on environmental protection at the famous ecological landmark “Yangtze River No. 11 Post Office”. All of us enjoyed the event, especially the magnificent view and the nature.
In this special occasion, we also sent postcards to the children at ” Aiyou • AXA Playroom” to show our solidarity and our commitment to protecting their future with green initiatives. After the event, we also used a WeChat mini app to calculate the carbon emission reduction efforts which has been very rewarding and I highly encourage all of you to try it out and protect the environment together!
In addition to headquarters, 14 branches in Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Ningbo, Dongguan, Fujian, Guangxi, Yunnan, Sichuan, Chongqing, Shanxi, Shandong, Henan, Foshan, and the call centers also held similar events to celebrate “AXA Week for Good”.
AXA is committed to implementing ESG practise in the Chinese market. It is AXA’s long-term commitment in the Chinese market to firmly convey the ESG concept. As a responsible corporate citizen, we will shoulder our social responsibilities, uphold our brand proposition of “Protecting your passion and moving forward with confidence”, and live up to the Group’s ESG vision. We will continue to explore and innovate in areas of sustainable development such as charity, green operation, and inclusive finance. As a foreign insurer, we will continue to leverage our capabilities to protect people, enterprises and the society, combat climate change risks, and fulfil our commitment to sustainable development. Thank you for your participation this year, and I look forward to seeing you again next time!