
安盛之星的故事 —— 张一公、刘定康 AXA Star Story


AXA Star Story





在安盛天平,张一公积极投身健康险转型,从2020年新冠疫情期间出色完成联合赠保工作,到推进健康险产品创新、会商重大健康险疑难案件,再到2021年主导 “零售&健康险理赔系统调查平台”建设、完善制度等,兢兢业业、精益求精,为公司向多元化业务转型贡献了不可或缺的一份力量。


Q: 获得2021安盛之星是什么感受呢?

张一公: 我是一个普通的理赔人员,能够获得“安盛之星”的荣誉既是公司对我的认可,更是公司对我们理赔队伍的认可;荣誉属于过去,未来我会跟同事一道踔厉奋发,笃行不怠!

Q: 平时生活中有什么保持自信、健康、快乐的习惯或者爱好吗?


Q: 可以分享最近在看的一本书或一部剧吗?






Q: 获得2021安盛之星是什么感受呢?


Q: 平时生活中有什么保持自信、健康、快乐的习惯或者爱好吗?


Q: 可以分享最近在看的一本书或一部剧吗?


In the AXA Star contest, altogether 22 AXA colleagues from headquarter and branches are entitled to awards of AXA Stars in Transformation, Customer First, Integrity, Courage and One AXA. This special column was set up for them so we can all know their stories in living the AXA values and making their contribution in the company growth.

Transformation Star – Zhang Yigong’s Story:

Zhang Yigong joined AXA Tianping’s claims team since 2010, covering motor injuries, anti-fraud, lifestyle and accident insurance claims. Before diving into insurance industry, he was a surgeon at the staff hospital of China 15thMetallurgical Construction Group for 12 years. 

At AXA Tianping, Yigong fully devotes himself to the health business transformation. He has demonstrated his professionalism and excellence in every project he involved, from the insurance donation in early 2020 coronavirus outbreak, innovative health product development, to establish the lifestyle & health claims investigation platform and mechanism in 2021. 

Q&A with Yigong:

Q: How do you feel on winning the AXA Star award? 

Yigong: I feel very honored to win the AXA Star award! A recognition not only to myself, but also to our claims team. Glories belong to the past. As one team, I’m confident that we will deliver greater growth.

Q: Do you have good habits to help you stay healthy?

Yigong: I am a binge-watcher of online cooking videos and learning new techniques and recipes. Food will never disappoint you.

Q: Any books or TV series you would like to share?

Yigong: Recommending a CCTV program called Economy & Law. It looks at the economic side of people’s daily life and elaborates with real cases. Very insightful!

Courage Star – Liu Dingkang’ Story:

Liu Dingkang had been the sales director of Anhui branch and general manager of Wuhu sub-branch since 2016. He led the Wuhu sub-branch and achieved consecutive profit jump for the past three years. He was ranked number one in 2021 H1 three-tier branch KPI assessment of A cluster.

Through fixing the motor basics, developing health business, targeting right customers and marketing activities, he guided the team to capture local market opportunities, face up to challenges and forge ahead.

Q&A with Liu Dingkang:

Q: How do you feel on winning the AXA Star award? 

Dingkang: It was a huge surprise. I appreciate everything the company has provided for me, all the support and inclusion I gained. Winning AXA Star not only is an honor, but also means responsibility. Bearing business development strategies in mind, I will further contribute in more of our success!

Q: Do you have good habits to help you stay healthy?

Dingkang: I am obsessed with reading and hiking. I always believe that books bring happiness and sports keep me healthy. In daily life, I tend to be meticulous and keep things tidy as these attributes make me confident.

Q: Any books or TV series you would like to share?

Dingkang: It’s one of my favorite TV series – Drawing Sword. As the name denotes, it inspires people to have faith and courage to face difficulties.

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