
国际劳动妇女节安盛员工活动 #打破偏见 International Women’s Day Employee Campaign #BreakTheBias



International Women’s Day Employee Campaign #BreakTheBias

国际劳动妇女节作为全球性的节日,旨在庆祝女性在社会、经济、文化和政治等方面取得的成就。今年妇女节的全球主题是 #打破偏见#BreakTheBias,以期创造性别平等的世界,保护女性权益。



International Women’s Day is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women. The global theme this year, #BreaktheBias, aims to create a gender equal world and forge women’s equality.

This year, we joined AXA Asia & Africa and launched the #breakthebias social challenge to celebrate the day. Our management team and some of our colleagues published their commitment on social media in support of AXA’s commitment to embracing equity and inclusion.

With concerted efforts, we can all help AXA creating an inclusive work environment and championing gender parity in broader society, essential to our sustainable development in keeping with our key ESG strategies.

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