
女神节女性产品推广活动 IWD Product Promotion Campaign

IWD Product Promotion Campaign

3月8日女神节前夕,安盛天平推出了#守护绽放时刻 的一系列女性产品传播活动,并通过社交媒体鼓励女性分享她们对安全感的理解。


  • 盛世臻选医疗保险,打破传统高端医疗产品的医疗机构分级体系,提供了差异化的保费定价
  • METOO安盛个人意外险,专为女性设计,覆盖出行意外和误工津贴
  • 卓越馨选医疗保险(2021版),提供住院医疗垫付和预算灵活选择


(供中国大陆区以外同事观看,For AXA colleagues outside mainland China)

To celebrate the March 8th International Women’s Day with our customers, the product promotion campaign #BloomWithConfidence was rolled out with a social component to encourage women to share their opinion on the sense of women security.

Three medical and accident insurance products are promoted in this campaign:

  • Signature Inpatient & Outpatient Medical Insurance breaks away from the traditional classification of high-end medical products and institutions and provides differentiated premium pricing.
  • METOO Individual Accident Insurance covers travel accidents and income loss for women.
  • Comprehensive Inpatient & Outpatient Medical Insurance (2021) provides unlimited advance payment for hospitalization and flexible budgets. 

In the meantime, we’ve also run a social campaign centering the demands in sense of security women of different ages through thematic video and social contents. They were well received and sparked discussions about women’s sense of security on social media.

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