
CEO Newsletter ISSUE23 – Mobile

1月20日,安盛天平2021年业务总结暨2022年业务宣导会顺利召开,围绕会议主题“转型求盛 ONE AXA”,我们提出了凝心聚力,开启以“多元产品,品质把控,持续发展”为特征的3.0时代。在本期月刊中,执行副总裁周连成将详细阐述新纪元下公司在产品研发、机构管理和渠道创新等方面的思考与举措。
而在随后举办的迎新会上,我们为安盛之星个人和优秀团队颁发了奖项,用以表彰他们在过去一年中的卓越表现,并希望将他们身体力行、生动诠释的安盛核心价值观 —— 客户优先、正直领导、勇敢决策、团结一致向公司全员进行宣扬。

Dear colleagues,
The year of Tiger is approaching. How joyful it was to celebrate the gala dinner with you at the headquarters office, filled with happiness, love and festive vibrations! At this occasion, on behalf of the management committee, I am very happy to present you the year-end video, wishing you and you families a happy new year full of prosperity, abundance and success!
Previously on 20 January, at the occasion of the 2021 Branch Performance and 2022 Business Boosting Conference around the theme of “Transformation to One AXA”, we have announced to embark on the 3.0 Era of AXA Tianping with a focus on “Diversified products, Quality driven, Sustainable growth”. Our Vice Executive President, Liancheng ZHOU is about to share with you his reflection and strategy on product design, distribution management and innovation a bit later in this month’s newsletter.
Later at the gala dinner, our AXA stars and AXA brilliant teams got awarded for their whole year’s devotion and dedication at work, which is the perfect reflection of AXA values: Customer First, Integrity, Courage, One AXA, to not only show our gratitude but also to amplify their excellent performance to the whole company.
Looking back, 2021 has been a year of milestone results across all business lines: up till November 2021, the YOY growth of health, retail and commercial has respectively reached 73.8%、44.8% and 61.5%, greatly surpassing average market growth rate; it has also been a year of industry awards, highly recognizing our great work in brand awareness, digital innovation, corporate responsibility, health protection, customer service and risk management, thanks to your collective efforts and professionalism. I strongly believe that this will further encourage us to empower more and more Chinese families to “Protect Their Passion and Go Further with Confidence” moving forward.
2022, let us make it great together!

(供中国大陆区以外同事观看,For AXA colleagues outside mainland China)

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