
CEO Newsletter ISSUE21 – Mobile









我很幸运, 有你们为伴。 我们有争论, 有调侃,更多的是同心协力,献计献策,为共同的目标付出额外的·时间,精力。 我们共同的努力为我们带来了引以为傲的优于同业的成果。”




To AXA Tianping Family,

November is the month of harvest. First off, congratulations to the Commercial team for successfully pursuing the Tianjin Port explosion Insurance Recoveries and gaining the most subrogation fees ever for AXA Tianping. This month, we were also invited to the 16th Annual Finance Summit of Asian hosted by authoritative media and awarded the Insurance Brand of The Year. It recognizes our efforts and encourages us to grow further.

November is the month of responsibility. AXA Climate Academy is launched simultaneously around the world to encourage all staff to pay attention to global sustainable development. Our global Purpose “acting for human progress by protecting what matters” has been integrated into AXA genes, which is also reflected in caring for the people around us. This month, the employee-volunteers from the headquarter visited “Aiyou X AXA Children Playroom” and brought everyone’s love to the children.

November is also a month of gratitude. On November 25th, a thanksgiving event was organized by human resources at Ruiming headquarter in Shanghai for us to express gratitude to each other. Thank you for your tremendous effort and hard work. Our joint effort led us to the result better than our peers, and also let us be full of confidence in the future of Soar to Success.

I would like to share my gratitude notes at the Thanksgiving:

“In this quiet Saturday evening, I make myself calm down and reflect on our common days and months passed together, also thinking of the future we’ll conquer. A lot of emotion comes to me.

Transforming a company relying mainly on motor to non-motors areas, meanwhile adopting new way to replacing traditional motor operation is definitely not an easy job, it’s rather a huge and complicated battle. Our intelligence, decision-making capability and collaborating ability are at challenge. In conclusion, it’s a great test of our leadership and execution capability.

How lucky I am to have you as my teammates. We do debate and joke on each other, but what more are our teamwork, mutual contribution and extra effort, time we put for our common goal. Our joint effort leads us to the result better than our peers.”

Once again, I would like to extend most sincere appreciation to you and wish you a healthy winter and a generous life.


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