AXA Tianping Gives Health Insights at Economist Event
- 中国健康险市场在过去十年中取得了极大发展,最大的挑战是市场本身。随着人口老龄化、人均收入增加、中等收入家庭增多以及攀升的医疗支出,中国的健康险行业将继续高速成长。同时,中国商业保险仅占其健康支出的5%,有巨大的发展潜力。
- 数字化大势所趋。全球的健康产业和健康险行业在数字化转型上都有所滞后,现在这一进程正在加速,而中国正是引领健康领域数字化的佼佼者。数字化赋能健康产品和服务更加贴近每个人,更便捷,更个性化。
- 中国的新药研究进程在加快。十年之前,在国外研发生产的新药需要经历很长时间才能在中国面市。自2017年以来,得益于政府的政策支持,中国开始参与跨国临床研究,让中国的患者也能够在第一时间享受新药。

We were invited to Economist’s close-door Seminar on October 13th to discuss opportunities and challenges of China’s healthcare market under the Healthy China 2030 policy initiative as well as the changing dynamics of the Chinese economy. On behalf of the company, the Chief Health Officer Kevin Zhou spoke at the panel joined by spokespersons from Ping An Health, GE Healthcare and Parexel.
Below are some takeaways from the seminar:
- The biggest opportunity for China’s healthcare insurance industry is the market itself, which has seen tremendous growth in the past decade. And because of the aging population, the rising average income, the expansion of the middle income class, and the increasing medical cost, the health insurance market in China will continue growing at a high speed. Also, private insurance only accounts for about 5% of the total health spending in China, which has a huge growth potential.
- Whatever can go online will go online. Healthcare and health insurance have been lagging in that regard globally, but digitalization is now accelerating and China is leading the field. Digitalization makes healthcare services more accessible to everybody, and in a more personalized way.
- New drug development has been accelerated in China. Ten years ago, there was a significant time lag between new drugs being developed abroad and becoming available to Chinese patients. Since 2017, China has had a series of regulatory improvements, which allowed China to participate in multinational clinical studies and enable Chinese patients to access the new drug in development simultaneously as those in countries of origin.