洞见数据 赋能业务
Data Open Day

10月11日-15日,为期一周的“第二届Data Open Day数据开放日”活动圆满落幕。非常感谢大数据应用部、市场营销与公共事务部、精算与定价中心、客服运营中心和数字化运营部的辛勤筹办,为总部与机构同事呈现了精彩纷呈的线上线下直播互动、问答等内容。


其实,向数字化转型已经成为行业共识,整个业内也呈现出一片开拓与创新的景象。“洞见数据 赋能业务” 决不是一句空话。基于OneData大数据体系,我们的数字化生态圈解决方案、统一数据服务平台正在构建中。相信在不久的未来,我们一定能通过洞见数据来赋能业务发展,为保险行业的数字化转型共享安盛的价值与力量。
(供中国大陆区以外同事观看,For AXA colleagues outside mainland China)
From October 11th to 15th, the week-long “Data Open Day” has been successfully held. I am very thankful for Data application department’s hard work, together with the Marketing & Communications, Actuarial and pricing center, Customer service operation center, and Digital operation department, for giving us a series of online and offline educational activities for staff from HQ to branches.

During this week, the management team and I have also visited Zhong An insurance company, and have shared our insights on digitalization with industry experts, who have witnessed the launch of AXA Tianping Data Governance White Paper opening a new chapter of the company’s data governance.

With digital transformation becoming the consensus of the industry, the whole industry is showing a tendency of development and innovation. “Insight into data empowers business” is by no means empty words. Based on the OneData big data system, our digital ecosystem solutions and unified data service platform are under construction. I believe that in the near future, we will be able to empower business development through insights and data, share our value and contribute our strength to the digital transformation of the insurance industry.