Grow with our business partners and extend our successful results
9月29日晚,应法国液化空气集团中国区CEO Nicolas Poirot先生盛情邀请,在法国驻华大使Laurent Bili的见证下,我与首席商业险业务官曾翔、商业险国际部李丹参加了液化空气在华30周年庆典,与液化空气集团回顾辉煌历程,共庆非凡成就。

With the presence of Mr. Laurent Bili, French Ambassador of China, I was very honored to joining the celebration of “Air Liquide Entering China’s 30th Anniversary” during the night of 29 September together with Mr. Shaw Zeng, CCO of Commercial Business and Ms. Linda Li, Head of Global Business to express warm congratulations of its outstanding achievements and fruitful results thanks to Mr. Nicolas Poirot , CEO of Air Liquide China’s invitation.
Serviced by AXA Group for more than 20 years, Air Liquide is the world’s largest manufacturer of liquefied air. During the celebration, we also had a cordial exchange with Ms. Tammy Chen, CFO of Air Liquide China, Ms. Clare Wu, CEO of AON China and DGM of international Department of PICC head office & Tianjin branch around the possibility of a further cooperation with Air Liquide China to provide good quality services that can reflect Chinese efficiency in the near future.