Soar to Success Updates

It has been one year since we activated the Soar to Success transformation plan. We are all very familiar with the four pillars: Distribution Transformation, Fix the Basics in Motor, Accelerate Health, and Simply to Drive Efficiency. In motor, we are actively exploring opportunities across areas. For example, Shandong branch writing truck insurance and making endeavors in new electric vehicle insurance. In non-motor, the growth of a bunch of sectors including Health, Guarantee, Liability, Enterprise Property, Accident and Home Property, reach higher than the market average. Health alone is ten times higher than average. We are on the right track despite the severe challenges amid the whole P&C industry.
This year we’ve strived for greater success. Things are constantly changing in and out of the company, the industry itself, the business structure and operation mode. We ride on these changes and have fine-tuned our transformation strategies after months of research and discussion. The NEW Strategy will expand to SIX PILLARS, adding two new ones – Commercial Line and Technology, Digitalization, Data and Customer, to further drive the stable growth.