
快乐工作,健康生活 Health You: Live Happier, Live Healthier


Health You: Live Happier, Live Healthier


全球同步举办的“安盛健康关怀季” 已经于9月初开启。在安盛,员工是公司最宝贵的财富,为大家营造更加安全、舒适的职场氛围,让伙伴们的生活更加快乐幸福,是我们的重中之重,公司将通过一系列活动组合为大家提供身心健康方面的帮助。



Early this month, the Global “Healthy You” Campaign was launched for the purpose of creating a safer and healthier workplace for you to live a longer, happier and healthier life as we view our employees as the real assets of the company.

To begin with, two online conferences were available for you to access the most advanced knowledge and information around major health and prevention topics. Moving forward, you will be invited to enjoy more health services and activities, such as [ ]

Last but not least, I invite you once again to benefit from this Health Programme and wish you happy and healthy!

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