AXA’s Solutions for Climate Change

今年7月,安盛作为产品设计及再保险方,在新疆落户了中国首单商业性气象收入保险 —— 安盛作为产品设计及再保险方,为新疆博乐市地区玉米种植农户的3000多亩作物提供了842万风险保障。通过对博乐和塔城地区过往灾害气候事件进行历史损失、灾因分析、气候风险曝露等多维度的调研,安盛专业团队得出其主要面临暴雨、强风和冰雹等频繁气象灾害的威胁,将造成种植损失的灾因以天气指数型的方式纳入保险责任,量身定制了玉米暴雨、强风和冰雹指数保险。在气象灾害发生时,安盛依据气象指标第一时间给农户进行理赔,有利于种植户灾后迅速恢复生产,有效帮助政府和投保人分摊风险,平滑收入曲线,实现灾年赔付、丰年补充的全周期灾害管理。

正如集团董事长德尼· 杜威先生在2021中国社会责任投资国际论坛中的发言所说:“作为一家负责任的企业,安盛除了肩负‘保险使命’以外,也在‘投资者’的层面做好与环境相关的投资评估,通过采取一系列行动,发挥金融业在气候变化,环境保护方面的积极影响。”

In July, extreme and prolonged rainfall and floods has paralyzed the greater Henan province and affected millions of people. The super typhoon “In-Fa” also caused serious losses of life and property. Climate change and its meteorological disasters have become a significant challenge for all mankind. As the world’s leading industry leader, AXA has made use of the advantages of in-tech, combined with scenario application, and opening up opportunities of the financial industry coping with climate change through insurance + technology.
This July, AXA settled the first domestic commercial climate index insurance in Xinjiang as a product designer and reinsurer. This insurance product provided a limit of 8.42 million RMB against climate risks for more than 3,000 mu of maize farmers in Bole city. Climate index insurance shows broad prospects and great potentials in solving problems such as climate, catastrophe, agricultural food securities, and spreading the losses caused by climate change.
In the case of Xinjiang maize insurance, AXA investigated historical loss, peril analysis, and climate risk exposure in Bole city and Tacheng areas, and concluded that these areas are mainly threatened by frequent climate risks such as heavy rainfall, wind storm and hail. AXA incorporated the perils that cause losses to farmers into its insurance liability in the form of climate index insurance and tailored the rainfall, strong wind and hail index insurance for maize. The insurance company will pay the claims instantly according to the weather indices when disasters occur, which benefits farmers with fast recovery in production after disasters. This insurance can effectively help local government and the insured to share risks, smooth their income curve, and realize the full cycle of disaster managing service that accomplishes claim payment in years with disasters using premiums from abundant years.
As Denis Duverne, Chairman of Board of AXA Group, said in his speech at the 2021 International Forum for China Impact Investing: “AXA has twice as many opportunities to make positive contributions to the climate and environment, not only as an insurer, but also as a responsible investor that accesses environment-related metrics for environment-related investments.”