Soar to Success Updates
- 更多总对总项目推进中:包括妙保等经纪公司合作,奔驰合约重新洽谈以及福特中国接洽;
- 传统经代合作多项培训和产品推广活动推进中,包括泛华、大童、明亚和华康;
- 与招商银行、农行、邮储银行等头部银行合作稳步推进中;
- 全新打造安盛职业讲师认证体系;
- 数字化转型方面,截至6月30日,安盛安美注册用户778,007人;微信优化项目第二阶段第一批需求完成开发上线,合并的功能入口,更好地服务客户;
- 截至6月底,我们新推出了多次给付重疾、电销百万医疗、北京“惠她保”, 及类PPP项目“惠e保”等新产品。具有安盛独特优势的旗舰住院及门诊产品“盛世臻选”即将上线;
- 提升健康险运营,包括设立健康险专线客服,持续加快医疗网络布局,截至上半年,总计新签10直付医疗机构,目标在3年内,建立包含80家到100家医院的医疗网络,覆盖一、二线城市;
- 6月23日正式启动China Health Enterprise Program(CHEP) 健康险核心系统项目,推动健康创新;
- 安盛安美健康管理小程序于六一儿童节上线儿童服务专区;
- 新同事已于6月中正式入职AXA EC,开始着手帮助推动新兴客群相关业务(如PPP、项目制特定客群,及特定分销渠道业务等)
- 一系列推动健康业务的市场营销活动如火如荼开展:6月,“中国家庭健康保障论坛”在沪隆重举行,全新品牌大片“安盛自信一家人”正式推出,行业头部自媒体同步宣传、全新广告大片户外广告亮相主要城市,开展自信儿童成长月活动,并设计推出产品物料,助力健康业务发展,赋能机构同事展业;

- 小吨位货车等非私家车板块模型完成上线,目前已有山东、河北、安徽、江苏、河南、广西、云南七家机构参与试点;
- 面对6月大公司非常激进的半年冲刺策略,我司积极采取稳健的市场策略,在成本相对稳定的基础上,基本稳住了市场份额;
- 非车叠加驾意险继续创新高,电销专属产品健康险的叠加率环比持续提升;
- 车险产品创新包括GAP, UBI稳步进行中;
- 定价和理赔联动,理赔成本优化;
- 监控理赔关键指标数据: 截至2021年6月末,2021年车险理赔减损金额2.08亿;
- 在反欺诈、车物管理和人伤管理上推进成本管控举措
We have many good news from the Soar to Success transition program due to our combined efforts in the past six months. I would like to share some of the major exciting updates for the four pillars:
Distribution Transformation
- A lot more HQ partnerships are in process, including brokerage houses such as miaoins, revisiting agreement with Benz and building collaboration with Ford China.
- Multiple activities around training and products are in pipeline with traditional brokers, including Fanhua, Datong, Mingya and Huakang.
- Partnerships with top banks including China Merchants Bank, Agriculture Band of China, and Postal Savings Bank of China are proceeding well.
- APTT (AXA Professional Trainer Training) scheme was launched for branches.
- On Digital Transformation, the one-stop platform Emma by AXA has registered 778,007 users by June 30. WeChat Upgrade Program is running into its second phase to consolidate the service entry for easy access from customer end.
Accelerate Health
- As of June 30, new products including Critical Illness, Million Medical through tele sales, Beijing Malignant Tumor Medical Insurance for Women (HuiTaBao), “Hui E Bao” similar to PPP have been rolled out. Signature IP + OP Medical Insurance and Modular product are making debut soon.
- Health operation has been improved with dedicated health service line and speeding medical network deployment. 10 direct-pay medical institutions have joined AXA Tianping’s ecosystem, targeting 80-100 in first and second tier cities in three years.
- China Health Enterprise Program (CHEP) kick started on June 23 to help accelerate digital innovations in health.
- Health Management Platform under Emma by AXA has introduced new service for children since June 1.
- New talent joined AXA EC to drive the business regarding emerging customers, such as PPP.
- A bunch of marketing activities supporting Health in June included the Family Health Protection Forum, new brand promise launch #守护热爱自行前行, the Confident AXA Family serial commercials, billboards and digital ads in major cities, KOL cooperation, Child Growth Month, as well as brand designs for new products to empower health business development and branch colleagues.
Fix the Basics in Motor
- Non-private car models and systems are launched. Pilot branches include Shandong, Hebei, Anhui, Jiangsu, Henan, Guangxi and Yunnan.
- Motor insurance market share keeps stable in face of fierce marketing competition.
- Cross-sale with accident and health insurance is increasing.
- Innovated motor insurance such as GAP and UBI are in progress.
Simplify to Drive Efficiency
- Pricing and Claims are being synergized.
- As of June 30, the 2021 motor claim costs were reduced by 208million RMB.
- Cost control measures put in place – anti-fraud, human injury and motor service management.