Customer Strategy Workshop

- 健康险市场客户可分为7类客群:

- 安盛在三个市场锁定目标客户:高端市场紧盯一线、新一线城市; 中端市场聚焦新一线,二线城市; 大众市场聚焦城市年轻潜力人群和懵懂被动型;
- 品牌策略:打高就全;
- 从两个层面实现匹配,制定可落地的执行计划, 在高中端市场专业创新,在低端市场跟随市场;
- 启动三个试点项目;
- 下一轮市场研究方向:启动经代商渠道的调研,研究与经代渠道的共赢模式,推动销售达成。

在会议讨论和客户洞察团队研究报告的基础上,团队已经总结出了关键策略并制定了下一步计划。接下来,我们将一起把策略付诸实践,实现 “AXA在健康险中高端市场的突围”。

I joined the AXATP Customer Strategy Workshop on July 1st in Shanghai together with the management team as well as health, product, and distribution colleagues. Hosted by Marketing & Communications team, the workshop centered around UMC customer segmentations, AXA core targets and health product, service, channels, and marketing strategies to fulfil customer needs.
A productive and fruitful half-day brainstorm fueled with solid ideas! I would like to share some takeaways from the session with all of you:
- AXA Tianping’s potential customers are categorized into seven segments:

- Three markets that AXA Tianping can target: High-end with wealthy planners in Tier 1 and New Tier 1 cities; Medium market of parents with kids under 10; Mass market with affluent city youth and naïve passives.
- The Brand Strategy is to focus on High-end and medium markets, while also taking care of the mass market
- Two-layer execution plan: differentiated strategies for three markets
- Three pilot projects to kick off soon
- Topic for next market research will be Distribution Channel Study
Following the workshop, a summary report with a next-step list was generated based on the discussions and customer segmentation studies conducted by the customer insight team. Those customer strategies will be brought to life through team collaboration to further drive the business growth and achieve the objective I’ve underlined at the workshop that “AXA will break through in the high-end and medium health insurance markets”.