Attending Bastille Day celebration
在法国驻上海总领事Benoit Guidee先生的盛情邀请下,我非常荣幸地出席了7月14日在总领事官邸举行的法国国庆日活动。对于中法文化爱好者来说,这是一个无比美妙的夜晚。高朋满座、嘉宾云集,畅谈中法友谊和文化交流之际,大家对美好繁荣的未来充满了希望。

I was very delighted to have celebrated the French National Holiday on July 14 thanks to Mr. Benoit Guidee, French consulate general in Shanghai’s invitation.
It was a wonderful night for lovers’ of French and Chinese culture, for a spectacular evening of celebration at the consulate general’s residence, with amazing exchange on the Sino-French friendship and the prosperous future we will have.
At this occasion, AXA was also invited to attend the festival at French Embassy, joined by 20 colleagues and distributors in Beijing to further maintain and strengthen the relationship. I believe that by working together with our friends in France, we can complement each other with our own advantages, so as to seek a win-win situation in face of challenges.