Spot “The Confident AXA Family” Around, Walk and Talk
在此我也号召全国各地的安盛小伙伴们,用手机拍摄你们与这一家“自信家庭”的合影,这同样是全球边走边聊(Walk & Talk)活动的一部分。我已经收到了一些同事的视频作品,期待更多伙伴加入到边走边聊的行列中来,与“安盛自信一家人”同框,讲述自信带来的幸福能量。

The Confident AXA Family commercials have been rolled out in major cities since June 28, and have been displayed on Shanghai Hongqiao International Airport’s screen, building elevators, subway stations, bus shelters, Movie Theater and other media terminals, aiming to raise people’s awareness in AXA’s brand proposition of confidence and support frontline business development so as to help drive the Soar to Success program.
“If you want to build a ship, don’t drum up the men to gather wood, divide the work or give orders. Instead, teach them to yearn for the vast and endless sea”, said Antoine de Saint-Exupery, the author of Little Prince. The Confident AXA Family commercials are expected to encourage Chinese families to address the importance of the need for health protection to cope with any unexpected challenges with confidence.
I therefore encourage all of you to share your feelings and stories after viewing our commercials. I’ve seen so many of you responded actively to “Walk & Talk”, the global campaign that was jointly kick started by Asia CEO Gordon Watson and Group Chief Human Resources Officer Karima Silvent, and I wish to see more of you joining in, in the hope that you are empowered with endless energy with whoever that accompany you in your journey.