My Recent Health and Yum Walk
本月,我们在中国落地了全球边走边聊活动,并由 CFO Laurent 与公共事务处Rei对谈的视频拉开序幕。我希望你们都对这个活动以及它对我们保持身心健康有何重大意义有所了解。我期待很快看到你们的作品!
6 月 19 日,一个绵绵细雨的周六。我邀请管理层团队来到我的家乡——距离上海约三小时车程的浙江宁波,采摘新鲜美味的杨梅。

杨梅有个可爱的英文名字,“yumberries”, 它原产于中国浙江,全年只有两周的采摘盛季。来自安盛亚洲的 Yi Mien Koh 和 Krithika 也加入了我们的旅途,希望这对他们来说是一次难忘的经历。

This month, we’ve localized the global Walk and Talk program in China, kicking off by CFO Laurent’s video with Communications team. I hope you all know this program and how it means to our physical and mental health during work. I look forward to seeing your videos soon!
On June 19th, a rainy Saturday, I invited our management team to my hometown, Ningbo of Zhejiang Province, three-hour drive from Shanghai, on a healthy and yummy walk to pick the freshest yumberries. The Chinese name of the fruit is called 杨梅 (Yang Mei). It’s native to Zhejiang province in China and only in season for two weeks out of the entire year. Yi Mien Koh and Krithika from AXA Asia also joined the yum walk. I hope this will be an unforgettable experience for them as well.
What are your recent healthy and interesting walk in summer days? Please share with me or send your anecdotes to Communications team. Thank you!