Attending the 13th Lujiazui Forum in Shanghai

德尼·杜威先生与全国政协委员、上海新金融研究院理事长屠光绍先生,2014年诺贝尔经济学奖得主、图卢兹经济学院名誉主席Jean TIROLE等嘉宾进行了深入交流与探讨。他呼吁全球更紧密的合作来建设更包容的未来:


陆家嘴论坛由上海市人民政府、中国人民银行、中国银行保险监督管理委员会、中国证监会组织举办。今年论坛以“全球大变局下的中国金融改革与开放”为主题。巴黎是今年的合作城市,法国经济、财政和康复部部长布鲁诺·勒梅尔(Bruno Le MAIRE)也在线参加了论坛。具体内容请点击链接查看: https://m.jiemian.com/lujiazui/live
On June 10th, AXA Group Chairman of the Board, Mr. Denis Duverne was invited to the 13th Lujiazui Forum (2021) and spoke online at its Plenary Session III: Economic Cooperation and Development in the Context of Global Pandemic Response – Partner City Forum: Paris.
I was very honored to be invited to the opening ceremony in Shanghai on the same day, and discussed the role of insurance in the context of opening-up with key media outlets during the forum period. I expressed my views that AXA Tianping will continue to strengthen compliance management under the leadership of government and regulatory authorities at all levels, leveraging the benefits of insurance through our high-quality products and solutions to protect social stability and improve our customers’ lives.”
At the Plenary Session III, Mr. Denis Duverne was joined on the panel by esteemed participants including Mr. Tu Guangshao, Member of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) and Chairman of Shanghai Finance Institute’s Executive Council, Mr. Jean Tirole, Recipient of the 2014 Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences and Honorary Chairman of the Toulouse School of Economics. He calls for closer global collaboration in building a more inclusive and resilient future:“Understanding and managing risks is at the very core of insurance. Insurance provides a safeguard for economic development and is a major force for social inclusion. Further developing insurance meanwhile can go a long way towards making our societies more resilient.”
Lujiazui Forum was organized by the Shanghai Municipal People’s Government, the People’s Bank of China, the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission, and the China Securities Regulatory Commission. This year its theme was China’s financial reform and opening up amid great changes of the world. Paris is the partner city this year. The Minister of Economy, Finance and Rehabilitation of France Bruno Le MAIRE also attended the forum online. Please click below link for playback: https://m.jiemian.com/lujiazui/live