Customer Recognitions for Henan and Yunnan Branches

另一面锦旗来自云南分公司,是对他们对6月初发生的洪涝灾害提供高效理赔的赞扬。本次灾情中,云南分公司收到报案车辆141笔,评估损失约270万。截至 6 月 11 日,34% 的案件已经结案。其高效的理赔服务赢得了这些客户的认可。

I feel so proud that we are receiving more and more customer recognitions.
This month, I received two messages on customer thank you banners. One is from Hennan sub-branch on the health claim service. They settled the claim in 40 hours for the client who purchased our IP+OP medical insurance.
Another one is from Yunnan branch on the recent flood damages happening from June 6th to June 7th. The Yunan branch received 141 motor claims with around 2.7million assessed loss. 34% of the cases have been settled as of June 11th. It’s efficient claim services won us recognitions from those customers.
Since motor remains a fundamental pillar of our business, I believe Yunnan branch’s case will inspire all other branches in delivering the best service to our customers.