Unveiling New Brand Promise at AXA China Family Health Protection Forum




我在活动开场致词中介绍了我们的全新品牌主张——“守护热爱,自信前行” ,这句承诺不仅体现在我们锐意创新的健康产品中,更是对安盛安美无处不在陪伴的凝练总结。

盛大时刻 – 健康产品上市!

安盛亚洲首席战略兼客户官崔东埈(DJ Choi)与安盛安美合照
包括财经专家沈帅波、安盛亚洲首席战略兼客户官崔东埈(DJ Choi)、自由式滑雪空中技巧世界冠军李妮娜、安盛天平执行副总裁周连成、首席健康险业务官周晞烨、首席理赔官阳勇、首席运营官余健光,最会保保险经纪董事长陈文志、上海现代服务业联合会金融科技服务专委会副秘书长许之恩等嘉宾,分别以主题发言和圆桌论坛的方式探讨了如何成为中国家庭信赖的陪伴者,通过提供保障解决方案,赋能他们管理风险、追逐梦想 。






The AXA China Family Health Protection Forum was held on June 22, the first day after the Summer Solstice. I attended the grand event with over 300 distinguished guests of distribution partners, key journalists and some our colleagues. Joined by free-style ski world champion Nina Li, as well as video blessings from the CPPCC memeber and former CIRC vice chair Mr. Yanli Zhou, the event unveils our new brand promise and two innovative health products. to support Chinese families to go further with confidence and being protected.
The two-hour long session was held at the Shanghai Shipyard 1862 with renovated venues, with 10-minute walk to our Ruiming headquarter office beside the Huangpu river.
I opened the event by introducing the new brand promise – Protect Your Passions and Go Further with Confidence, which is reflected in our innovative health products and especially EMMA by AXA. Guests including financial expert Shuaibo Shen, AXA Asia Chief Strategy & Customer Officer DJ Choi, free-style ski world champion Nina Li, AXATP Executive Vice President Liancheng Zhou, AXATP Chief Health Officer Kevin Zhou, Chief Claims Officer Yang Yong, Chief Operation Officer Philip Yu, Zuihuibao Broker House Chairman Wenzhi Chen and Shanghai Modern Service Association FinTech Committe Vice Secretary Zhien Xu, gave speeches and joined discussions with industry experts and distribution partners on the topic of being Chinese families’ partner and offering them the most relevant protection solutions.