
媒体专访 My Media Interviews


My Media Interviews


在最近的陆家嘴论坛和安盛家庭健康保障论坛期间, 我接受了一些媒体采访,想与大家分享:

I would like to share my recent media interviews during the Lujiazui Forum and the AXA Family Health Protection Forum:

每日经济新闻:在中国良好的营商环境下,外资险企也将获得更多发展机会 (National Business Daily: Foreign Insurers Would Gain More Development Opportunities under Good Chinese Business Environment )

界面:如何用金融撬动绿色发展?金融界大咖热议绿色金融(Jiemian: How to Leverage Finance in Green Development?)

证券时报:安盛天平CEO朱亚明:将加快健康险业务布局 (Securities Times: Interview with AXATP CEO Yamin Zhu: AXATP to Speed up Health Business)

澎湃新闻:只做车险太可惜,希望健康险占比达30%(The Paper: More than Motor, Health Ratio Expected to Grow to 30%))

腾讯新闻:对话安盛天平CEO朱亚明:健康险将聚焦中等收入人群 做到广覆盖 (Tencent News: Dialogue with AXATP CEO Yamin Zhu: Health Focus On UMC with Broader Coverage)


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