健康加速 ——新产品发布
Health Accelerates with New Products Released


This month, our health team has launched three new products in total:
One is the Malignant Tumor Medical Insurance for Women (HuiTaBao) released on the Mothers’ Day. It was the second inclusive insurance product rolled out by the Beijing Jinghuibao project team comprising AXA Tianping and Beijing Life. Priced at RMB 89 per person per year, the product is supplementary to Beijing’s basic medical insurance, providing up to RMB two million coverage of inpatient care and specific medicine for women aged 18 – 65.
One is the Critical Illness Insurance launched on May 27, which is the first critical illness insurance product since the official release of the Use of Illness Definitions for Critical Illness Insurance in February this year. In addition, we also the TSR Million on May 10th.
I would like to keep you all posted on the product development and business progress we make. I hope all of us can also act as AXA Ambassadors to deliver the confidence we built along the way.