Did You Take The COVID Vaccine?
近期中国大陆出现了一些本土新冠肺炎新增案例。在这些受影响地区工作的同事们,请务必保重身体并注意安全。在此和大家分享一下,我于5月22日在上海接种了第一剂新冠疫苗。我也从行政同事那里得知,截至5月中旬,我们至少有90名瑞明和金桥的同事完成了第一剂疫苗的注射。那我们分公司和中心的同事呢? 我很乐意知道你们是否接种了疫苗。欢迎在下方评论区给我留言。

我上周参与的另一个健康活动是“边走边聊”。在一个阳光明媚的早晨,我和安盛亚洲首席合作官Yi Mien Koh女士在黄浦江边散步。有益身心,尤其是对久坐台前的我们,同时还能与同事保持紧密联系。

全球Walk & Talk活动由安盛亚洲&非洲首席执行官Gordon Watson和全球人力资源官Karima Silvent于5月4日发起。很快我们将向同事们推出中国版的边走边聊活动。我鼓励大家积极参与,边走边聊,并与所有同事分享。无论与谁同行,希望行走都能带给大家力量!
Lately, there appear some new COVID cases in mainland China. For colleagues in these affected areas, please take great care of yourselves and keep safe. For myself, I hope I’m not too late to get my first dose of COVID vaccine on May 22 in Shanghai. Our Admin colleagues told me that till mid-May, at least 90 colleagues from Ruiming and Jinqiao have taken their first dose. How about our branch and center colleagues? I’m happy to know if you have received any shot since the launch of the mass vaccination in China. Please drop me a note below in the comment area.
In the meantime, the AXA Group has released the 2021 Pulse Health Survey on May 27, disclosing long-term health effects of Covid-19. The survey showed that 74% of those surveyed, including China, said they would be willing to be vaccinated against Covid-19. China is among the top five vaccine enthusiast regions with 84% surveyed saying yes to vaccination. Our Comms team will localize the report and provide details later.
Another health activity I did last week was taking part in AXA’s Walk and Talk program. I had my morning walking meeting with Yi Mien Koh, the Chief Partnership Officer of AXA Asia, along the Huangpu River at a beautiful sunny morning. It’s not only a way to support our physical and mental health in daily work, but a way to break the routine of being constantly at one’s desk and stay closer with our teammates.
The global Walk and Talk initiative was launched by videos taken by Asia & Africa CEO Gordon Watson and Global Head of HR Karima Silvent on May 4th. Soon we will launch the China version to our colleagues. I encourage you to start Walking & Talking and share with all staff. Whether alone, with a colleague or with your team, don’t underestimate the impact of a good walk!