如果用关键词来描述五月,我更倾向于增长与关爱。在增长方面我们延续着不错的势头,多款新品相继推出,—— 北京京惠保团队在母亲节发布了专为女性设计的医疗保险,另外在二月份重疾新规生效后我们推出了首款重疾险产品,助力公司在健康道路上加速前行。此外,预计本季度我们将引入更多线上平台,进一步扩大分销网络。
谈到集团,你们可能已经通过亚太月刊Amplify了解到,安盛亚洲已将业务范围扩展至非洲、黎巴嫩以及亚洲其他市场——新加坡、马来西亚、印度和越南等。此外,安盛新兴客户将作为一个全新的业务部门加入亚非市场。Gordon Watson将担任安盛亚洲和非洲首席执行官,引领这个英才汇聚、欣欣向荣的团队。在此,我谨代表安盛天平所有同事向他表示祝贺,并期待与新团队紧密合作!
Dear AXA Tianping Colleagues,
Our focus for the month of May is on growth and care, extending the momentum we’ve seen in past months. With multiple new products rolled out, we continue to accelerate the health path. This include a specially designed medical insurance for women developed by the Beijing Jinghuibao team on the Mother’s Day, and our first critical illness insurance under the new Use of Illness Definitions for Critical Illness Insurance rules taking effect in February. In parallel, we are expecting to take on board more online platforms this quarter and expand the distribution network.
Another thing I feel proud is the landing of our first CSR program – the Aiyou • AXA Playroom, to help orphans in need both physically and mentally, and bring care and love to them. As an insurer, we always have a role to play, especially for the minority groups. That’s how we live our Purpose. I wish to express my gratitude once more to teams who spared no effort in their work to undertake business activities and practice social responsibilities.
Back to the group, you may know through the AMplify that AXA Asia has expanded the mandate to include Africa, Lebanon and the remaining markets in Asia – Singapore, Malaysia, India and Vietnam. In addition, AXA Emerging Customers will be joining Asia and Africa as a business unit. Gordon Watson will lead this renewed team of experienced professionals as the CEO of AXA Asia and Africa. Congratulations and looking forward to working with the expanded team!